1.3 {Jombie~}

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This time I literally have no excuse!  (ó﹏ò。)

I was just too lazy to write anything... and to be honest, typing is so tiring but I'm still back!  ٩(。•ω<。)و


The room was blazing with fire, burning everything inside along with the figure sitting on the bed.

[The FL really was fooled! I thought she would consider staying and watching if yo' really died or was replaced with a corpse later! But she just fled the next moment.] Said Leupas nonchalantly. "Green tea bitches are stupid by birth after all!" Harfel said as a matter of fact!

[Well, now that we came out of it all fine and done. What will yo' do right now? All this didn't happen according to the original plan after all.] Leupas said floating towards Harfel. Just when Harfel was about to reply, "Let's-" Harfel looked up only to see Leupas's face right in front of his. "WHAT THE FUCK! TAKE YOUR FACE AWAY, FUCKER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING SO CLOSE HERE!" Harfel yelled loudly and stepped back. He was currently outside the Research center and hiding in a nearby broken building. He misstepped and was falling on the ground when Leupas quickly rushed to hold him by the waist. [Woah! Harfel!] Leupas called with a slight, almost non existence concern. *thud* Harfel fell with his butt and back on the ground as his body passed through Leupas's holographic arms. "Ahhrggg!" He groaned in pain and just lied there.
Harfel stared expressionlessly at Leupas, "Do you have something that can change or mask my features of the face so that no one recognises me?" He said in an almost cold voice. Hearing his voice Leupas just shrugged but somewhere in him, he didn't like Harfel's cold voice directed to him although he failed to notice it.

[There is a 'feature-conceal' mask for 500 SSP which will make sure no one recognises yo' as Harfel here but yo'll remain as beautiful as before. Yo' currently have 4000 SSP. Do yo' want to buy it?] Leupas said in somewhat lower voice than usual. But neither Harfel nor Leupas noticed the tiny spark of flame in their hearts. "Yes." Harfel answered and a white mask suddenly appeared in his hand. He put it on his face and *crick* *crack* his facial features changed but still maintaining his original beauty. [Yo' now have 3500 SSP left] Leupas said just like a notification!

Harfel then headed towards the Dark Eagle(DE) camp. He reached the camp after a week. During the week he practiced combat skills day and night with the help of his system, increasing his physical strength. Basically he used his gift box of the 'WelcomePackage' from the system and acquired 'combat skill' (beginner stage). Seems like luck is on his side for him to get the perfect skill right now. He used up 50 SSP each to upgrade his both hypnosis and combat skills to the intermediate stage. And he is now left with 3400 SSP. He tested his skills on the zombies he encountered during the journey and both the skills were very much affective on them.

When he reached the DE camp he was surprised to see just how advanced the place actually looked. The DE camp looked liked the size of a small town with huge towering walls surrounding it from the outside. The wall had few advanced cameras to monitor outside the wall and a huge metallic gate preventing anything or anyone from entering it. Even the energy shield protecting the whole camp could be faintly seen. It's like the 'safe zone' in a game.

Reaching the gate, there stood a small entrance scanner beside the huge gate which will check if Harfel was safe to enter the DE camp. He passed through the small entrance scanner and it glowed green indicating that everything was fine. He already had Leupas enter his name in the new recruits name list before arriving, so he could easily get in the camp.

When he got inside, his sight landed on a small town like place which seemed to be a part of the imaginative future world. A large dome shaped building stood in the middle surrounded by different shaped and smaller sized buildings. There were unique flying cars, some were using hover boards or rocket shoes for transportation.

The place was beautiful. "Woah! I need to get that car! Oh, that one too! That one as well..." And Harfel went on and on for a long time. {Ah, he sure is excited... *sigh*} Leupas just stared at Harfel.

Harfel was supposed to attend the DE camp new recruits assembly soon. The assembly will have some speech on how they should behave and their rules and regulations. After the short speech and welcoming ceremony, the new recruits will be sent for a combat test against zombies. Depending on their performance and abilities, they will each be sent to different teams of the DE camp army force.

Harfel entered the large dome shaped building in the middle of the DE camp. The assembly still had about 10 minutes to start. The inside of the building was quite spectacular. There were many people inside in different outfits, some walking, some hovering around. A large screen was floating in the middle of the reception which displayed the merits of DE camp and so on.

There was another screen which had the routes to different parts or rooms of the main building. Searching for the assembly hall, he tapped on it and a small floating platform appeared. He stood on it and in just a few seconds it reached the huge door of the Assembly hall. Although Harfel was beyond excited inside he still kept a normal facade outside. "Hey Leupas! This place is awesome! Just look at the transport system- no need for some damn elevator either! I should've come here earlier!" Harfel beamed while talking to Leupas. [It sure is really good.] Leupas just replied with not much of an enthusiasm. He is a system after all and he has seen quite a few places like this before so it wasn't surprising or different for him.

Harfel was given an ID as a new recruit, using that ID on a small scanner on the door, it opened. Harfel upon entering was greeted with a huge hall filled with floating metallic chairs with a large stage in the center. There were many new recruits sitting on the chairs. Harfel looked around but didn't notice anyone he could recognise, so he just picked a seat to the near front and sat on it. His name here was the same except his appearance.

A few minutes later a robotic voice sounded. <Welcome to the DE camp. Today, I, an AI bot, Grim, will accompany you to your introduction to the DE camp army force. Please be seated and pay attention.>


Harfel: I want that floating car!!!! *puppy eyes*   Σ(*ノ´>ω<。')ノ

ML: Here kitty... *gives a floating car*  (‘∀’●)♡

Harfel: I want that hovering board!!! *puppy eyes*  Σ(๑0ω0๑)

ML: All for you kitty... *gives a hovering board*  (´・` )♡

Karnen: Where's my husband? *crying buckets*   。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。


Hope you all like it ❣
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Love is needed ~~ 💜💙💚💛

Sayonara ~~~  ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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