1.5 {Jombie~}

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Hola cRazY people! ❤
(☉ε ⊙ノ)ノ

It's not that I'm free but it's exactly because I have way too many things to do that words after words keep on popping in my brain. So... Here it is! Arc 1.5!!!! (ง ื▿ ื)

Keep on praying so that more words pop up in my brain and even faster so I can write more! (⚆ᵌ⚆)


<Number 0501, approach the stage>

Harfel unhurriedly approached down to the stage and the clear energy barrier enveloped him into the stage. Right now Harfel didn't have any of those fancy and powerful weapons like others, it's not like he couldn't buy it from system, it's more like he didn't want to use up any more of his SSP!

The moment Harfel stepped onto the stage, it was filled with light mist and 20 zombies appeared in front of him. Without waiting for them to come at him, he rushed forward with immense speed and punched right onto the zombie's face shattering it's skull. He didn't pick up the crystal rock or wait for any reaction as he continuously punched five zombies with powerful force, shattering their skull with just a single powerful punch!

"Tsk! What weaklings! I've seen much stronger ones on the way!" Harfel couldn't help but complaint. [Well! Now you know how 'GREAT' this combat test is!] Leupas answered in a sarcastic tone!

After smashing the five zombies, Harfel once again continued to ruthlessly punch another 5 zombies without waiting for them to realise what just happened. Even these 5 were slightly stronger than the previous ones, it still didn't stand a chance against Harfel's punches! The rest 10 seems to have taken in some knowledge in these mere seconds. They were comparatively stronger yet not strong enough for Harfel.

In just a total of 30 seconds Harfel smashed each and every one of the 20 zombie's skulls into smithereens. It didn't even cause him to sweat, like he's just relaxing. He then quickly collected all the 20 crystal rocks from within the torn corpses and stepped out of the stage.

Everyone who watched the whole scene were left shocked as their mouth remained wide open till the end. Almost everyone in the Hall started whispering and gossiping. "Did you just see that? He literally killed all the zombies like ants in less than a minute!" A skinny youth sounded while still dazed from the immense shock. "And he broke each one with just a single punch while we all used various weapons just to kill the first few!" Another person sounded in a disbelieved tone. "Just how strong is he?!" Everyone inhaled a cold breath as they heard this and got the chills seeing his ruthlessness. Even those who obtained more than 5 points were staring at him wide eyed.

Harfel returned to his seat as if nothing happened. "What a waste! This combat test is too crappy!" Harfel snorted. [Look who's talking! Yo' did practice the skills and already killed many stronger zombies! So these are a waste of time.] Leupas just nonchalantly replied, not bothering about Harfel's expression.

While everyone was gossiping about Harfel's strength and ability, the higher up's of the DE camp were astonished to find someone this strong. This is the first time they saw someone kill 20 zombies with one punch each in less than a minute. Every time these types of combat test for newbies aren't that interesting, however this time it attracted quite a lot of attention from the higher up's. The male protagonist, Bermil was also among them watching the combat test. He was somewhat displeased with the results. 'Where did this brat come from, stealing my spotlight here!' He thought with eyes full of disdain.

Harfel has no idea that he is already being named in the male protagonist's blacklist.

There were a total of around 1000 participants in this combat test. The people who got bitten by zombies and didn't manage to get 3 points at the same time, left the Hall the moment their test got over. The rest those got bitten by zombies were provided immediate antidote solutions from the DE camp.

After the combat test got over, the huge screen once again appeared above the stage and the robotic voice sounded.

<The combat test has been concluded. Now the results of the test and the sorting of all the participants into different teams will be shown>

The screen changed and various columns and rows of numbers appeared with the title <Disqualified> . More than 600 participants were disqualified. Soon the screen changed once again and another series of numbers appeared, this time with the title <Assisting soldiers> with 5 rows each with the team label A, B, C, D and E. Each team was provided with 50 assisting soldiers from this combat test. Immediately after the ID card of these people changed with their respective rank and team label.

The screen once again changed, now showing the numbers of the people with 5 or more points and their team label, a total of 50 people. This screen showed everyone's points with Harfel's being at top with 10 points. The last 25 out of 50 were allocated to team E, 10 of them to team D, 8 of them to team C, 5 of them to team B and the top 2 to team A. The team A had Harfel and another young man around 25, Fimor. Fimor acquired 8 points in the combat test.

The ID card of Harfel and Fimor flashed with bright golden light and their rank and team label appeared on it. Harfel looked at his card > Rank S < "Oh yeah! Rank S at one go!" Harfel chimed! "Leupas! Check if anyone is at Rank S and provide some information about the higher Ranks!" Harfel happily asked. [Just how many times did yo' bother me today! Goodness! There's currently no one at Rank S besides yo' and the highest is obviously the male protagonist, Bermil, at Rank S*] Leupas unhappily answered. "And here I thought I would be at the top of this world! Damn!" Harfel replied somewhat displeased. {Who does he think he is? Some OP character?} Leupas inwardly snorted.

Suddenly a bright light enveloped Harfel as his head started buzzing!


Harfel: I rule this world! I'm the strongest! HAHAHA! *lost*  ೕ(•̀ㅂ•́ )

Bermil: Then what do you think I am? *imposing*  ( ╬◣ 益◢)

Harfel: An Ant with title!  (ㆆᴗㆆ)

Bermil: You...! *explode*  (╬⓪益⓪)


Hehe! Please read, vote and comment ~ ❤

Adios!!! (っ﹏-)


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