1.2 {Jombie~}

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Ni Hao!!!
I'm back people

I just finished my exam and wrote arc 1.2 ~
Please try to ignore all the plot holes (making system stories is really tough! ( TДT)

Pwalease Vote and comment~
(´・` )♡
Love is needed
ʅ ﴾סּ ؂ סּ ʅ ﴿


Next morning soon arrived and Fenisie (FL) relaid her plans on how to take him(Harfel) out of here. But there was a problem.

Currently Karnen overheard their conversation of the 'escape plan' and wanted to also join them. Fenisie was reluctant but she didn't deny nevertheless. 'I could just use him too for my plans' is what Fenisie was thinking anyways.

Harfel on the other hand was debating whether he should let Karnen come with him or not. Sure Karnen was like his first friend in this new world, but taking him could also drastically change the plot and bring about unexpected events.

After contemplating over it for long, he agreed. After all Karnen was the first person in this world that he thought he could trust. And leaving him here, in the 'Wolf's den' is not a good idea either.

Karnen wasn't that sticky before until that day when karnen was badly bullied by some of his colleagues. And Harfel helped tend his wounds and comforted him as well. From that day on Karnen would always stick to him like glue!

Through Leupas, Harfel came to know that Karnen had no one here as a friend. He was originally an orphan who used to be in the same orphanage as the original Harfel. The original Harfel didn't have any friends in the orphanage as well. He didn't interact with any of the kids there.

Karnen would always get bullied by other kids in the orphanage and the original Harfel was the only one who didn't bully him, mostly because everyone was just invisible to him. He never bothered about anyone at all.

Karnen found him different and wanted to be his friend but because the original Harfel was very distant, Karnen never found the courage to approach him. Instead he started to always follow him around like a shadow. Due to him always following around the original Harfel, he wasn't being bullied anymore. 

Karnen had a little sister who was killed by the zombies when he was only 5. Then later he began to study better due to no more bullying and eventually entered for the research training centre as a trainee.

The original Harfel entered for physical training when he was 15. Around age 20, during a zombie attack he was infected with the virus and thus taken for research purpose. During experiments he was the only one who managed to stay alive this long.

Karnen never got the chance to meet the original Harfel in the lab. But this time he managed to meet Harfel. But the original didn't know him so this time Harfel decided to take him as his friend. And also Karnen gave him the feeling of his deceased younger brother from his original world.

After seeing that Harfel agreed, Karnen practically jumped to hug him- "I'm so happy Harfi~" smiling brightly.

'Ah! Too bright! Guess I can't help it nor with the odd nickname he made.' Sighing Harfel, Karnen and Fenisie started preparing for leaving the lab by tomorrow night.

Harfel was like the ultimate test subject in this research. Therefore leaving it will lead to more difficulties later on. The scientists will definitely not leave their 'fruit' alone that easily. To make the road clear, he planned out his own fake 'death scene' to escape and forever be free. Fenisie gladly compiled with his idea. Harfel felt that something was not right. 'How come this bitch is complying with all this so easily? I keep feeling that something is amiss.' These thoughts made him feel cautious against Fenisie.

The plan was that some explosive chemicals would 'accidentally' drop and due to a series of events it will then make the lab room of Harfel catch fire. The lab room had one CCTV camera to monitor him which will act as the perfect and flawless proof of his death. However the camera will be turned off just after the fire starts and a similar corpse will replace him. Due to constant experimenting there were a few corpses or so in this research center. With the chance of the mess he will safely escape the hell. Karnen and Fenisie will be quitting the research team by tomorrow.

Just like that the night finally arrived. Everything was prepared as planned. Harfel had a bad feeling about today's plan so earlier he asked the system for something that could prevent him from burning. He bought a 'Fire-Resistant' pill from the system with 1000 SSP!

There was still an hour left until the plan came into play. When suddenly Leupas appeared in front of him. [Host, the FL suddenly hit Karnen on his head and locked him up in an empty room. Karnen is currently unconscious. And the FL is now heading towards yo'r room.] Leupas quickly informed.

"Something is wrong with the FL. Even if the plot has been changed, she shouldn't hate me this quick and so very much, right?" Harfel sighed as he rubbed his temples. He quickly swallowed the 'Fire-Resistant' pill and just sat on his small lab bed. "Maybe she's just too jealous that I'm quite the very beautiful man that could even topple her-?" Harfel smiled widely as he thought that. Leupas just rolled his eyes. [Whatever]

Fenisie arrived in just a few minutes, and quietly opened the lab room door a little to see if Harfel was in there. When she saw him sitting on his bed, she smiled with eyes filled with hatred and killing intent. 'I will not let you ruin my life again...not this time'. She threw the explosive chemical inside the room and locked the room from outside. The door area was the only blind spot that the CCTV camera had. And the FL made full use of it. The scene didn't look even a bit suspicious.

The room was blazing with fire, burning everything inside along with the figure sitting on the bed.


FL: Die, asshole!!! *throws explosives*  (☄◣ω◢)☄

Harfel: *eats the pill* Come at me, bitch!!!  (ಠ益ಠ)

Karnen: *unconscious*   ( ˟ ⌑ ˟ )

ML: NANI!!!!?  Σ(`Д´ )

Karnen:  _(:3 」∠)_  *still unconscious*


Bai Bai~~~~  (* ̄0 ̄)ノ

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