My Bestfriend's Love 《Amemiya Taiyou X Reader》

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Yeeppeee i'm back so today's lucky boy is......... Taiyou hahaha. Hope you all like this one shot!!.

Your POV

I was walking through the streets going to my boyfriend's house. Technically its our 2nd anniversary and i was super excited. I hummed a toneand i can't stop smiling while walking and finally i reached his house.

I knock on the door and it was opened by his mother.

"Oh Y/N-chan G/N (Guy's name) isn't here, he's was in the mall for a moment right know" his mom said and i just bowed.

"Oh thanks G/N's mom" i said and waved goodbye to his mother. And i open my phone and texted him.

To: [G/N] 💝

Hey where are you now?.

Then i pressed send and continue to walk until i reached the town. I've seen many mall and he could be anywhere then my buz up and quickly pick it.

From: [G/N] 💝

"Oh sorry babe i'm in the park right now hehehe".

"Now what?!" i muttered then started to texting him again.

To: [G/N] 💝

"Okay i'll be there!". ;3

Then i press send and shoved my phone back to my pocket and walk again through the park. I can't stop smiling and its our anniversary yeeppee~.

-[ At the Park ]-

I was in the park right now and still i couldn't find him. Hmmm where could he be, then until i spot a familiar figure and a smile crept on my lips and i immediately rushed but i stop my tracks until i saw him kissing another girl and wow they making out.

I clenched my fist and charge them up, "How dare you bitch!!" I said and interrupted them two and I grab the girl in the collar and slap here across the face.

"You slut! how could you!!" I yelled at her and I can't calm down myself and I grab her hair and keep her slapping and pushed her with all my strenght.

Then G/N walk to her and help her stand and I look at them with cold eyes and i placed hand on my hips and flip my hair and sigh.

"Wow G/N you really gonna defend that idiot over me?!" I yelled and i didn't care about other people looking at us and the crowd grew more.

And the girl just cried and keep clinging on G/N's shoulder and while the idiot keep calming her down.

"You bitch!" I was gonna slap here again but G/N pushed me away and i glared at him.

"That's enough Y/N!" he shout making my heart aches more and tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Fine where done, go leave with her i don't want to see your f***ing face ever again!!" i said and that was the last words i throw at them and leave the crowd and i was walking in the streets with a empty mind. I can't believe this is happening to me, this is not what i expected to turn out in our 2nd anniversary.

And looks like he loved the bitch over me. What the hell!, he cheated on me before this very memorable day but it turn into a tragic event in my life.

Then what a surprised I saw Taiyou running towards me and my vision become blurry and dim only I could shadow then black out.


I woke up everything is white and i saw my parents and Taiyou looking at me with sad faces.

"She's awake!" S/N said and Mom immediately hold my pale hand and kissed it.

"Dai joubo Y/N-chan?" Mom asked that looks like to cry in any second.

"Yes i'm okay, what exactly happened?" i asked Mom and Taiyou walk beside me.

"I walking on the streets when i saw you walking and i immediately rushed to you but when i got to you, you fainted" he said and i crack a weak smile.

"Arigatou" i said weakly and quickly remembered what happened earlier and tears escaped my eyes and rolled down in my cheeks.

Then S/N sit beside me and wiped my tears using her thumbs.

"Did something happen between you and G/N?" she asked sternly and i can't help but to cry and i tell them what happened earlier and Mom, S/N, and Dad was so angry at him even my bestfriend Taiyou.

[ I week later ]

I was discharge in the hospital and i was strong again and i can play soccer with my friends. But still its hard to forget about G/N and my friends always telling me to date another guy so that i could forget him. But i refuse i don't want to be hurt again. I don't want to love somebody anymore just because i was afraid being hurt again.

I walk outside in the house and i sigh. I started walking down the streets when my phonw starts to buz up and immediately pick it and i saw Taiyou send a message.

From: [Taiyou]

"Hey Y/N can you meet me at the river bank i have something to tell you".

To: [Taiyou]

"Yeah i'll be there".

I texted back and pressed send then i proceed to walk until i reach the river bank then i saw no one is there. Then i felt someone hug me from behind and i recognised the colonge and i turned around and it was Taiyou.

He suddebly tighten his grip on my waist and pulled me closer. My heart is beating so fast and i can't utter a single word and i just look at his eyes. Then he began to lean closer and i just stood there frozen and crashed his lips onto mine which made me shock.

My eyes grew heavy and i kissed back and he deepened the kiss and i was gripping in his shirt and finally we are out of air and we parted away. He hug me tightly and stroke my hair gently and look at me.

"Can i be your boyfriend?" he asked and i look away and i flinch away in the hug.

"Taiyou i don't want to be hurt again, i don't wanna experienced those!" i yelled at him but he only hug me and whispered in my ear.

"I won't hurt you Y/N, i love you and i cannot let you hurt ever again" he said which me shock more and cried and hug him back.

~The End~

Yeah nailed it i reach 1100+ word typings in this one shot. And hope you all would like it.

-Ja matta ne ⚽

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