My Cute Prankster 《Kariya Masaki X Reader》

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Waaahhh love this boi. This cute prankster hahahah. The next victim is Kariya Masaki-kun!!.

Kariya: Eehh?? what? why me?!!.

Me: Yep *evil grin* so minna hope you all like this one shot.

No one's POV

"Aaghhh jeez that Kariya!" you mumbed and entered the house.

"Tadaima" you exclaimed and your mom approach you.

"Oh Y/N-chan wel-..... What happened to you?!!" your mom asked and you look at her while your face was so wet.

"Prank again" you said sternly and climb up the stairs and change your clothes.

Apparently Kariya is always pranking you nonstop for the whole week and even you want to screw him off but you couldn't because you have crush on him.

You sigh and laid to your bed looking at the ceiling boringly. And blink your eyes in emptiness.

"That Kariya" you mumbled then blushed. Then you decided to sleep for a while then you doze off.

~(The Next Day)~

Another lovely day for the students in Raimon Junior High and you are walking with a smile on your lips until.....

"Aaahhhh" you exclaimed and slide in a slippery floor on the hallway and hit your butt badly.

"Yeah nailed it, i got you again Y/N!!" Kariya laugh at you and the other students laugh as well.

"Ouch that's hurt so much" you winced in pain and tears started to flood your eyes. This is the 1st time ever you cry in one of Kariya's prank. Since you two are very-very closed friends. You stood up and run away from him you could still hear there laugh echoed the whole hallway.

(Kariya's POV)

I guess that prank wasn't good as i thought and now i might ruin our friendship now. I was gonna find her but to late the bell rings for classes to start and i have o choice but to go back to my classroom.

As the 1st and 2nd period was over i haven't seen her entered the class nor practice at the field. I feel sad, i shouldn't have done that prank but i can't help it, i love to see her irritated because i find her cute.

I decided to find her and i quickly leave the classroom and roam around the school just to find the girl i loved. But no luck i've been walking back to back but still i can't find her then i saw Kirino-senpai at the hallway and i approach him.

"Ne Kirino-senpai have you seen Y/N?" i asked him and he placed his fingertips on his chin.

"Ah! i just saw her earlier but looks like she's running away" he said and i nodded.

"Wakatta thanks senpai" i waved goodbye at Kirino-senpai before proceeding on finding her.

I hope i can find her now i thought and continue to run until i reached the rooftop and i saw a figure holding at the banister. I approach her slowly and i was shocked when she spoke something.

(Your POV)

"Waaahhh i'm such an idiot" i mumbled. The truth is, i can't just stand when people laugh while they watching me suffering in one of Kariya's pranks. But sometimes i do love him surprising me with his mischevious pranks.

I smiled, "How could i even face him like this after what happened earlier....." i put my hand on my head and the wind blew my H/C in mid air. And i smelled the air and watch the birds flying.

"Well... what could i do....he might laugh at me when i saw to him 'i love him' *sigh* its just can't right" i mumbled again and soon i heard someone gasped and i shrieked in horror and i slowly turned around and i was surprised it was Kariya Masaki.

"So you love me?" he cooly asked and i blushed and look away. Then he lift my chin and before i could utter a single word. He crashed his lips onto mine then i put arms on his neck while he sneak his arms on my waist.

After a minute we parted and look at each other gaze. Then he tuck a strand of hair into your ear and carressed your cheeks.

"Sorry about earlier Y/N i hope you can stil forgive me?" he said and i just chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

"Of course i forgive you silly" i said and he scratch the back of his hair.

"Well to be honest the way i pranking you, i just love to see you irritated" he smiled and pinch my cheeks then a vein popped out.

"What?!, you, where not done yet Masaki your still gonna pay for what you did!" i yelled at him and charge him but he always dogde my attack and hug me.

"I love you" he said and i flinch in the hug and still chasing him in the rooftop.

"Masaki get back here!" i shouted and he just rolled his eyes and he sticks his tongue out.

"Bleehh you can't catch me cutie pie!" he shouted back and i blushed and still chasing him until we reached the hallway.

I think maybe loving this idiot was not a bad idea after all, to be honest i've fall in love by this handsome.

He really is My Cute Prankster.

~The End~

Yeehheeyy its done its finally done. So minna how was it??.

Kariya: Haahh i just leave to prank other people.

Me: Yeah i know right =___=.

Tenma: Hope hope you like it *winks*.

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