Fall For Me 《Afuro "Aphrodi" Terumi X Clumsy! Reader》

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Hello again! sorry about the delay of requests so forgive me. =___=

The lucky boy today is Aphrodi-kun!! 😊

This is requested by: Samarbaby

Hope ya enjoy~


No One's POV

"Hey L/N-chan, Ms. Takahara have something talk to you" your classmate Minako said and you nodded.

You went out of your classroom and saw Ms. Takahara waiting there with a lot of books in her hand.

You went pale and attempt to run.

"No running L/N!" she said sternly and you sigh looking at her boringly.

"Hai...hai I give up so what's up?" you asked and the pink haired female sigh giving you the heavy textbooks.

"This is heavy...!" you said while holding tight on it.

"Please put this books on the storage room in the third floor and thanks again" she said again and you started walking.

"She just have order someone not like me" you mumbled, remembering those past days in your PE class being tripped all over again and again.

"I'm such a clumsy girl" you muttered again, unaware of someone was following you behind smiling brightly.




"Are you okay Miss?"

"Look where you're going!"

"Gomenasai!" you bowed. You sighed, after those massacre just because of those clumsiness.

You still felt the person following you and you turn your head to see who it is.

"Who's there?" you asked and you found nothing.

"It's just my imagination" you shrugged it off and you stary climbing the staircase.

"This books are so heavy! Damn!" you rant still holding the books even it was heavy.

"One more step..." you mumbled.

Your POV

"One more step..." I mumbled. Dang! this books are too heavy!

I step my foot but I slip and I was gonna fall. The books are thrown in the air like in slow motion and I close my eyes waiting to fall.

"You can open your eyes now" someone spoke and I open my eyes.

"Terumi-kun?!" I yelled in surprised. It appears that he was holding my waist and I blushed.

"Can you...."

"Oh..right! sorry" he apologized and I look at the books scattered around the staircase. I sighed and started to pick them up.

"Let me help you with that" he said.

"No, I can do it" I said and he hold my wrist. Looking at me sternly and he spoke.

"I'm your boyfriend, so I will help you with these" Terumi said and we all pick the books and walk through the hallway in awkward silence.

At the Storage Room-

"Thank you for helping me Terumi-kun" I said and he kissed my forehead making me blushed.

"Glad to help and I notice earlier that you have a hard time carrying those" he said and I just smiled. Until the realization hit me.

"Are you the one who's following me" I asked and he sigh in defeat.

"Yeah...sorry about that"

"No its okay" I said.

"You're so clumsy earlier" he said chuckling and I just pouted.

"It was just...because of my freakin feet" I said and we just laughed.

"Let's go play soccer" he suggested.

"Game on!" I said and we went to the soccer field.

I forgot that I have a carring boyfriend. I felt I was the luckiest girl in the world.

"You know Y/N..." he trailed off looking at me.


"Everytime you fall because of your clumsiness...."

"I assure you that you will fall for me again and again" he said and I blushed.

The End~


Me: And BOOM! it was done, I hope you like it even though it was suck. =___=

Gouenji: Vote and Comment.

Fudou: Damn! the ending was so cheesy. *grinning*

Aphrodi: Thank you for requesting me Samarbaby *winks*

Mizuki: Otanoshimini~

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