Chapter 9

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I opened the door and Sachi was sitting there on her phone. She looked up at me with a warm smile, “How’d it go?” I smiled, “Good. I mean there isn’t really any way you can mess up a movie date.” She nodded, “I guess! Okay, I have amazing news.” I smiled at her as I walked over to my desk and turned on my laptop, “What?” She sighed happily and looked at me, “Okay, so you know Yuna?” ‘Oh she is talking about Finding Fashion.’ “Yeah, what did she do?” Sachi started to squeal, “She is finally an official Finder!” I squealed, “Finally! That fashion training was starting to get boring!” She nodded, “I know! I am so happy! I am going to order some pizza so we can finish the marathon.” I smiled as I logged into my blog, “Okay, can you get me cheese pizza today? With a cheese stuffed crust?” “Oooh, aren’t you rebellious.” She dialed the phone and was ordering. I started to type in a new update, “Hai dolls! Okey, that date was pretty good. I am happy we are together <3 My bestie is over so we can finish the Finding Fashion marathon. What episode are you guys on? Love you ^ u ^” I logged off and jumped on the bed nearly pushing Sachi off. I started to imitate Kyo to try and make her laugh while ordering. “Oh, Sachi. You know about cameras?! HAHAHAHAHA!” I used the deepest voice I could make, and I made stupid expressions to match it. Sachi started to laugh, “hee, and can I have, um, hold on,” She looked at me and started to laugh and try to tell me to stop, “a cola and two waters? Uh yes, thank you.” She hung up and started to burst into laughter. “Oh my gosh Shika! I am so embarrassed!” She jokingly slapped my forearm we both laughed and I turned on the TV. I sat criss cross applesauce and Sachi laid on her stomach. After half an episode, the door rang. Sachi ran to the door and paid. She got our pizzas and handed me a water. We both ate about 5 slices until we fell asleep. I woke up to Sachi practically kissing my shoulder in her sleep. ‘Must be dreaming about her boyfriend...that guy is such an idiot for hitting her. He doesn’t realize how special Sachi is. Not just to me, to everyone. I hate him.’ I got in the shower and hopped out after eight minutes. I got dressed in some sweats and a tight tank top. I heard a knock on my door; I looked through the peephole and saw Nate. I opened the door and smiled, “good morning...what's up?” He pulled his hand from his back and gave me a pink tulip, “Would you be interested in some pancakes or eggs?” I smiled, “Sure! Thats nice of you.” I closed the door and we walked out to his car. I sat in the passenger’s and he drove off. We sat in the same booth as yesterday and had the same meal as yesterday. My phone buzzed and I looked down, it was from Haru. I unlocked my screen and looked at his text. “Shika? Its Haru” I smiled and replied, “Hey Haru, I am out with my boyfriend...can we talk later?” He answered with a simple, “Alrighty” and that was it. Nate looked at me, “Who is it?” I shrugged, “My friend. Don’t worry.” I blushed and continued to eat. He drove me home after we were finished eating. It was really fun, like yesterday! Sachi was still asleep so I sat in my desk chair and texted Haru.

“Haru I am back ^ U ^”

“Hey. wanna go to the park with kyo and i?”

“Sure...with Sachi?”

“If thats okay..i was hoping we can go shoot some photos”

“Yeah...sounds good! When and what park?”

“Uh its 11 right now, so how about 1 pm @ the park by the beach?”



“Ok I will let Sachi know :)”


I turned off my phone and jumped on the bed. “Sachi!!” I pinned her and shook her by the shoulders. She finally woke up and blushed. “What are you doing?” I got off her and smiled, “We are going to go to the park with Kyo and Haru!” She looked at me with a smile. “Really?!” I nodded, “In an hour...get ready!” I rolled off the bed and got into my desk chair. ‘Time for another update!’ I pulled up my blog and typed, “Hai dolls! Okey so Nate and I went to breakfast again! Oh and we got to episode 53 last night! We got a long way to go <3 love you guys!” I pressed enter and I shut down my laptop. I watched Sachi run all over to get ready. We always had our clothes at each other’s homes...and some spare makeup. My guess is because we see each other everyday. After half an hour, Sachi looked at me, “I am ready! We should pick up food for the guys, just because-” “Because you are hungry?” She nodded. We drove to the park with our car filled up of food. We didn’t know what the guys liked, so we got burgers, pizza (from last night), ramen, salads, and chicken. We also got some sodas, incase they didn’t bring their own drinks. I walked out of my car and saw Haru taking a picture of some squirrel. I yelled to him, “Hey Haru! Can you help us?” He waved and ran my direction as Kyo followed. Sachi looked at Kyo and immediately turned away; she definitely liked him. Haru grabbed some food as Kyo held their cameras. I got the drinks and Sachi just walked with us. Haru said, “You guys didn’t need to get us food; we were going to take you guys out for some sushi...but nevermind I guess!” He smiled and set down the food. “So you guys like food?” Kyo asked. Sachi nodded, “I love food! I can cook it so of course I love it!” Kyo smiled and hugged her, “You can cook?! Wow! You are so talented!” Sachi’s face was dark red and we all laughed. “Kyo, you are crazy...let her go,” Haru laughed. Kyo turned his head to Haru with a puppy face, “B-but she can cook…?” I shrugged, “I can cook too.” ‘I really can’t.’ Haru’s eyes brightened. “You can!?” I nodded, “I am really good at making pizza-” ‘Pizza is the thing I could never perfect! Thats why we buy it!’ “really?,” Haru smiled, “Then maybe you can show me how to cook a pizza sometime!” “definitely! That would be nice.” ‘I don’t even have a real kitchen to cook in though!’ I sighed. Haru looked confused, “Something wrong? If you don’t wanna cook pizzas thats fine!” “No no! I was just thinking!” “Oh,” He smiled and, damn… I wish he would smile for every second of his life. Haru had one of those smiles you would pay to have...and he was born with it. We all were eating and talking, these guys turned out to be really kind. Kyo was the perverted friend, Haru was the hot friend, Sachi was the cute friend, and I was the smart friend. It played out nicely. Haru was finished and I was too, so we both decided to go sit on the swingset not to far away from the others. “So,” Haru said as he looked up at the sky, “Hows life?” I smiled, “Its going well so far, you?” I smiled, “Its getting there.” He looked at me suddenly and asked, “What is your study? I mean, if you are in college.”

“Well I am in college, and I am studying to become a teacher.”

“Really? I would expect you to study photography.”

“I am not really a photographer, and I see it more of a hobby too.”

“Oh, I guess you are right. I am in college and I am studying to-”

“to be a photographer?”

“Right on the money! Well aren’t you smart!”

“It doesn’t take an idiot to figure that one out.”

I smiled and looked at him, “I will race you to see who can go the highest, the fastest?”

He smiled back, “You’re on.” 

After a competitive swinging battle, I finally won. “Smart and fast? Well aren’t you a charmer,” Haru teased. “Have you seen yourself? You are smart and have a killer smile.” He blushed and I did too. ‘Why did I just say that?! NO! I have a boyfriend! Dang it!’ Haru looked down, “ do too.” I blushed even harder than before, ‘NO HARU! YOU DON’T SAY THAT! I AM NOT FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU!’ I smiled at him, “Not really, but thanks.” We sat in awkward silence for a minute or two, until Haru spoke up, “You wanna do this again? Go to the park?” I nodded, “Yeah, I would like that.” I smiled cutely and got up. “I will race you to Sachi and Kyo.” Haru nodded, “I am going to win this time!” He did, and that is when I realized, I am falling in love with him.

Author's Note: Okay so I need to write in some new chapters for you guys <3 We are so close to Chapter 10! Yay <3

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