Chapter 5

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 “I am glad to be back dolls <33” I guess I was glad, but I deep down I wasn’t. I hated having “it” brought up. It always made me cry. I closed my laptop and sat there for a little bit. I took a deep breath and turned on the TV. The news was on, so I waited to see the weather. ‘Still going to be sunny out tomorrow...good.’ I looked at my phone, and thought if I should text Nate. ‘No, I shouldn’t. He likes girls who are hard to get. I will be that way for him. Just for now at least.’ I got comfortable and suddenly fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with drool dripping down my cheek. “Gross! I need a shower.” I got up and looked at the time. “Okay, so I have about an hour until Sachi will call me and say she is picking me up.’ I ran in the shower and quickly cleaned my self. I got back out and looked at the time, ‘okay so half an hour. Perfect to get my makeup ready. Oh and get dressed. I can’t go naked.’ I got dressed up in a bikini and a cover up. I did my makeup and realized how pretty I looked. It deserved a selfie on Haru’s camera. I took one and Sachi called me. 

“Good morning honey! I am gonna pick you up in an hour, alright?”

“Well I am how about I just go to your house and wait for you?”

“Sounds good! Bye”


I was extremely excited, I wasn’t sure why though. I just had a better chance of meeting Haru that day. I got in my car and drove to Sachi’s. I opened the door with the key she gave me and I sat down on her couch. She was looking in the mirror doing her makeup. “Sachi, why don’t we just move in together? We have keys to each other’s house. And we practically see each other everyday.” She smiled, “It sounds nice! I mean of course, when we are out of college for summer and whatever. Hmm, well lets talk about that later. I don’t have a calculator out or anything.” “well doesn’t your parents pay for your condo anyways?” “Yeah, you are right! Don’t your parents pay for your apartment?” “Nah, my grandparents do. They said that if I wanted to move out, they would pay for where I would live.” “Why didn’t you just get a bigger apartment or something?” I shook my head, “I couldn’t blow all their money. That would be wrong.” She nodded. I watched her do her makeup, ‘She is so pretty, but with makeup, even more! Why am I so unfortunate?’ I looked at my phone. It was practically begging me to text Nate. I pulled my phone to my lap and texted him, “Hey Nate its Shika”. I quickly got a response, “Shika! Hey whats up?”

“The sky ;)”

“More like pizza for me lol”

“Lol. You wanted to talk?”

“yeah! we didnt talk that much so I felt sorta guilty”

“I guess that would be a good reason to be guilty”

“so about yesterday”


“I kissed you…”


“What do you think about that?”

‘What a strange question...’ “well I thought it was just a kiss…?”

“uh huh”


“Its funny that you were blushing non stop but whatever its just a kiss”

“well you were blushing too soo…”

“how could I not blush when I just kissed a pretty girl?”

“I that brings another question”

“Which is…?”

I slowly typed, “Are you single?”

“Do you think I would kiss you if I wasn’t?”

“I just wanted to make sure you werent playing me.”

“I wouldn’t play a girl like you!”

“Wanna see a movie maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah, we can start over”

“I would like that :)”

“me too. when?”

“Not sure, maybe 7?”

“alright! I will pick you up”

“You know where I live?”

“I you live at that condo right?”

“I guess you can say that”

“You dont?”

“nah its my friends house but thats fine”


“I have to go get ready, I am going to the beach”

“fun! Ok bye”

“bye :)”

i turned off my phone and looked to my side. Sachi was staring right at me. “Oh my gosh!” I screamed as I jumped back. “heehee, I knew I could scare you! So are you ready? I have been waiting.” “Oh yeah! Lets go.” We left the condo and drove off to Kame. I ran on the hot sand to the water. “It is so hot!” “When did the sand turn into lava?!” We both stepped in the water and were instantly relieved. I put down my towel and did Sachi’s while she was trying to open her chair. “Maybe you should get a new chair?” I told her. “Nah, this one has a cup holder.” “So that makes it better?” “Yep!” I laughed and laid down. I waited for more people to come to the beach. I saw Sachi looking off into the sky. I looked at her, she didn’t even realize how beautiful she was. “Hey Sachi, did you ever realize how pretty you are?”

“Me? I am not pretty.”

“I guess you never looked in a mirror then.”

“I guess you haven’t either.”

“Hmm, I can never win a battle with you, can I?”


I was extremely bored, so I decided I was going to go in the water. I took off my cover up and ran in the water. I looked down the beach for any guys looking suspicious. I saw what seemed like a couple far, far, FAR, down. I walked closer and saw it was two guys. “Sachi,” I said. I heard hear snore. “Sachi!!” “What!?” “Look!” “Its a couple.” “No!” I ran out of the water and ran to them. I didn’t get very far because of the sand not being a good running turf, but I eventually got to them. It was Haru and Kyo. 

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