Chapter 8

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 I smiled as I closed my door. “And I am in love with him. Why do I fall so fast?!” I slid down the back of the door and pulled out my cellphone. “Sachi, I am screwed.” I said quietly to her over phone. She gasped and said back quietly, “You’re pregnant?” I laughed, “No, but I am in love.” “Oh. Dang it I wanted you to be mine!” She teased and I laughed. “I will always be yours.” I said dramatically. “I hope honey. So you really like Nate?” I sighed, “Alot.” She sounded disappointed. “Well if that makes you happy, then I am happy.“ “Oh I love youuuu.” I dragged out the ‘ou’ in you just for about 3 seconds. “And the romance continues.” I laughed. “We need to go to the beach today so I can give Haru his camera. I will pick you up, alright?” “Okay!” We hung up and I got in a bikini and grabbed the camera. I ran out the door and got in my car. I drove to Sachi’s condo and we went off. With my hands on the wheel I asked Sachi, “Lets talk about moving in together, okay?” She nodded, “I have been thinking about just getting a bigger condo that can fit two of us. Or we can get one of those condos that are right next to each other! How about that?” “Hmm, that sounds nice. We can move into the city! It would be right up by all the shops.” “yes! Omg I am excited now.” “Yeah! And we can bring our guys back to our house without disturbing each other!” Sachi got really quiet. When she got quiet, that meant something was wrong. “Sachi, whats wrong?” She looked at me with a worried smile, “Nothing!” I looked at her, “What did he do? Your boyfriend?” She looked down, like she was holding back tears. “Uh um, he,” a tear dripped off her chin, “we uh got in a fight.” I shook my head no, “Thats not it, is it Sachi? You know I can tell when you’re hiding something.” I saw many tears run down her cheeks and off her chin. “He hit, me.” “Sachi! Are you okay?! I am so sorry! How long has this been going on?!” She shook her head, “He never hit me before...I don’t know why this it happened...but i-it happened.” I looked her in the eyes and said, “You need to ditch him now.” I looked back at the road and made a left. I gave her time to think before I started talking again. When she cried, you felt like you should cry. She is so embarrassed when she cries, so she bows her head in pity. When I see her cry, I can’t help myself from asking what is wrong. We got to Kame, and I looked at her as I pulled my keys out. “Lets not make the day suck because of that idiot. Come on, we have man hunting to do.” I got outside and I pulled out my phone. I called Haru and he picked up super fast, “Hello?” “Haru its me, Shika. I am at Kame Beach so if you want-” “Great! I am actually at the park right next to it, I will be right there!” He hung up before I could say anything. I couldn’t tell if he was scared or excited. I looked at Sachi, “He is going to be here in any minute.” She looked at me, “I call Kyo.” I didn’t know if I should tell her about Kyo and his “thrusting” yesterday. I shrugged it off and said, “Then I get Haru.” We laughed a little, and then I saw Haru running with Kyo behind him holding a professional camera. Haru’s hair shimmered as the sun hit on it and his skin glowed with a tan hew- wait what am I thinking? I got Nate...whatever lets just continue to admire his hotness. Haru waved at me and his cheeks got extremely red; he was a blusher. I smiled and waved back. I pulled the camera out of my car and held it out. He ran faster after he saw it. His hand brushed against mine as he pulled it out of my clutch. “Thank you so much!” I smiled, “No problem...just wondering are you guys photographers?” Kyo bursted out into obnoxious laughter. Haru answered, “We are in the training...okay, we are far from it.” Sachi looked at Kyo, “But you got the big camera?” Kyo started to laugh even louder. “Well Kyo believes that girls will like him if he has a big camera. I beg to differ...I don’t think girls are interested in cameras.” I acted confused, “But why wouldn’t we? I mean girls might like Kyo’s Nikon DSLR because it’s big, but size doesn’t matter when it comes to cameras. Only the quality matters.” Kyo stood still and his jaw dropped, just like Haru, “How do you know all that?” I laughed, “My dad is a professional photographer. You learn a few things after you hear him rage on about cameras.” Everyone laughed. ‘I definitely just hooked Haru. He is now interested in the Shika..heehee.’ “So you're probably a nerd like us,” Kyo said. I shook my head, “No, not at all. I have a boyfriend and I have a blog and- I guess I am sorta a nerd.” Haru grew a smile Sachi looked at Kyo again, “Well if she is a nerd, I am too!” Kyo laughed and Sachi blushed. They were definitely going to be a couple. “Thanks anyways for the camera...I will talk to you later- oh! I don’t have your number, so-” “Its in your gallery. Bye guys!” I got in my car and Sachi did the same. We drove off and Kyo was waving like crazy at us. Haru was just smiling down at the ground. As I pulled out I saw Kyo flipping out beside Haru, smiling like crazy...everything he does is crazy. “Well well well, who will it be honey? Nate or Haru?” “Well, since Nate and I are supposedly dating, I guess Nate.” Sachi looked at me, “Lets say you weren’t dating Nate, who would it be?” I knew I wanted to say Haru, but I just didn’t know him well enough. “ would be Haru, but I just don’t know him that well yet.” She nodded, “Good answer...Kyo is so hot.” I laughed, ‘but Haru...Just can I get a h-o-t?! Maybe it is just me.” “No no, he is cute, but he is no Kyo.” We both laughed and I drove Sachi to her house and drove back to mine. “Okay, so I have alot of time to kill...maybe I should take a nap...yeah, that sounds nice.” I jumped onto my bed and curled up underneath a blanket. I woke up to a knock on my door. “Shika? Its here?” I jumped up, “Oh shit.” I ran into my closet and threw on some really tight jeans and a cute t-shirt. I pulled my hair in a ponytail, and I looked at my makeup. It looked pretty good. I sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my phone as I ran to the door. He kissed me as his hands held my hips. I blushed from his contact. “You look gorgeous, even though you just woke up.” “You can tell?!” He laughed, “Yeah, I can hear you cursing through the door.” I giggled and hugged him, “Lets go.” We drove to the theater and got two tickets for ‘Behind Closed Doors’ which was originally a book. It was about a teen couple that were both on opposite sides of the popularity ladder. It seemed like something I would like to read. Half way through the movie, I found Nate’s arm around me, and me thinking about Haru. I knew I shouldn’t have been thinking about it, but there was no way I couldn’t help myself. Haru was so sweet, and tender, and shy, and perfect! Nate was exactly the same, just a tad different and I couldn’t figure out why. Haru seemed like the type of guy who would drive all the way to your house and snuggle up against you during a storm to make you feel safe; when Nate felt like the guy who would text you during a storm to make you feel safe. Either way, Nate is who I have and I need to accept it. I am happy with Nate, I gotta keep saying that. I felt his hand slowly sit on my knee, I smiled. His warmth made me feel so happy. The movie ended and I grabbed his hand, and intertwined it with mine. “You make me happy, Nate.” I smiled as we got up. He kissed my forehead and said, “You make me happy too.” We left for his car and he drove me home. I kissed him goodbye and walked to my apartment.

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