Defending Your Honor ♡♡♡

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**Camerons P.O.V.** (Much Awaited)

Amani took me into the kitchen and started to wipe my face with a cold towel.

"ssss" I said and flinched in pain

"Oh quit being such a big baby it's going to hurt more when I put the achol on them" she said pointing to the cuts.

At that I tried to squirm of the counter and run away from her, but she pushed me back up and stood between my legs.

"Cameron it'll be over soon okay just trust me it won't burn" she said

I heard her mom chuckle over the stove.

"Cameron grow a pair PLEASE" she said

"Okay Mrs.Parker" I said mimicking sniffles and cries

"All done" Amani said

She had put the achol on my face and neosporin.

"Okay now tell me what happened, why you have these cuts?" She asked pointing to the slits in my eye brows

"Well I was talking with stix when the link we got came up in conversation." I began


I was at the lockers when stix came running up to me. It was the end of the day and I was shit tired, Amani jumped ship and I wanted to talk to her I didn't feel like hearing anybodys bullshit about that bull shitty ass website because that shit is full of bull.

"Hey man what's up!" stix said

I slammed the locker door and turned around on my heels

"what do you want stix?" I questioned rubbing my eyes

"Ayee dude I just wanted to let you know that one I banged ya girl two me and my new girl mad that web page. So yea I got that slut!" He said and held out hist fist for a bump

"you did what" I whisper yelled "But none of that bullshit is true and you know it!" I said pointing my finger in his face

"Dude what the fuck it's cool" he said

"No dude it's slander and she could sue your ass off for it!" I said speaking up at a normal turn

"Eh who gives a shit shes a whore and you know it." he said following me out of the school.

"I give a shit Shane you can go around acting like a cunt and think that its okay, man what happened to you?" I said

"I fucked your girl and went from boy to man!" he said with a sly smile

"and I fucked her good" and that was the last straw

I threw him down in the parking lot and started beating the bullshit out of him. I was punching him as hard as I could. I got up and kicked him and he pulled me down and I cut my eye brow. He flipped me on my back and started throwing sloppy punches, which made it easy for me to sucker punch him in the nose. I got him off me and kicked him one last time and got into my black porche and sped off it got dark and started to rain. I drove around for a while and then decided to visit Amani. I parked my car in my driveway and walked over. I saw Melanie running out of Amanis house.

"Hello Bitch" I said punching her knocking her out.

"serves you right" I mumbled walking up to the door

Amani swun the door open as soon as I stepped up on the porch.

**Flashback Over**


"HE TOLD YOU THEY SMASHED" Her mom asked poking her head out of the kitchen

"THEY SMASHED" Jasmine said poking her head from the stairs.

"Yes and Yes" I said looking around at the family

"I AM GOING TO KILL HIM" she said pacing around the room about to head for the door

I went to grab her and pulled her into a hug

"no,I already took care of that problem" I said patting down her soft brown spiral curls.

"Oh I think I will be the one doing all the killing today" Mrs.Parker said shooting the gun in her hand off.

Still holding Amani we hit the floor trying not to die.

"Mom what the hell?!?" Amani tried to shout through my arms

"Hey, I warned his ass and hell he broke the agreement now ima have to smoke his ass"


"Well maybe you weren't baby but I sure as sure as shitty hell was" she replied

I stood up with my hands above my head and walked slowly over to Mrs.Parker and lowered the gun and took it out of her hands. I put the gun on the table next to us.

"okay everyone calm down everything is taken care of!" I said giving the two a smile.

"Wait. Where's Jasmine?" Amani said and in that moment everything froze

We all rushed up the stairs and Amani bust through the door our mouths dropped....



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