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We hopped back into the car full of pancakes and waffles.

"You guys wanna go to the mall, my treat" Cameron Asked

"Mmmmmm yasssss" Jasmine said from the back seat

"Yea I need to walk off this meal" I said patting my belly

"It's dry in here let's put on some music" Cameron said flipping through channels on the radio

"Ugh nothing is on Amani get a CD from the arm rest." He said pushing the off button

I lifted up the arm rest and began to laugh immediately.

"Cameron Micah Boyce I know you do not have the Beyoncé album in your car!" I said dying of laughter

"Wait what let me see that." Jasmine said as I handed her the cd "oh and the deluxe edition real nice C"

"Hey look what's wrong with a boy that likes Beyoncé like she can sing now give me my CD!" He said taking the CD and putting it in (a/n the oso negative thoughts)

"Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun driver roll up the partition pleases I don't need you seeing yoncé on her knees it took 45 minutes to get all dressed up and we ain't even gon make it to this club Now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged
Oh he so horny, yeah he want to fuck He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse He Monica Lewinski'd all on my gown Oh, there daddy, daddy didn't bring the towel Oh, baby, baby be better slow it down Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up
And we ain't even gonna make it to this club. Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like The kinda girl you like Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like, girl you like
The kinda girl you like is right here with me Right here with me Right here with me
Right here with me." Cameron sang along with the track

"Oh my god. My boyfriend is gay." I said laughing

"Babe I'm not gay she just makes good music I know all her songs it's like she's so magical" he said waving his hands around

"Okay Amani is it just me or is your gaydar going off to?" Jasmine asked through laughs

"Hey say what ever you want but I'm a yoncer that will always revert to the Beyhive." He said

"Oh god wow do want me to call Beyoncé to get you a date?!" I asked slightly jealous

"Oh is someone getting jealous?" Jasmine asked

"Wait queen Bey has a song for this!" Cameron said

"No" slapped his hand away from the controls causing his fingers to slip making the song land on XO

All of a sudden so many emotions started to come back from that night with stix.

"Change the song" I said with nervousness and fear in my voice

"Amani what's wrong" jasmine asked

My chest felt heavy and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Change the song" I said breathing heavily

"Babe what's wrong?" Cameron asked pulling over

"B-b stix no no no" I said and started to cry

I saw stix face in Cameron and went crazy.

"Amani what's wrong I just want to fuck" the voice said touching my arm

"Get the hell away From me" I said slapping the hand away

"Amani!" I heard a voice say I looked over and saw Melanie

"What the hell get out go away" I said rocking back and forth in the seat felling like I was asphyxiating.

"Thats it I'm taking your ass right now weather you like it or not" the voice said I started to kick and scream and thrash as I felt hands touching me



"Change the song" Amani said breathing heavily

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked pulling over

"B-b stix no no no" she said tears steaming down her face

"Amani what's wrong are you okay" I said touching her arm

She slapped my hand away "Get the hell away from me"

Her eyes became dark "Amani!" Jasmine said hopping out of the car going around to Amani's door. She popped it open and leaned her chair back

"What the hell get out go away!" Amani said looking up at jasmine

"That's it I'm calling an ambulance right now." I said pulling out my phone

Amani started to kick and scream hitting her sister and I with her small fist.


"Baby I'm right here!" I said scared

Jasmine was holding Amani down. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME MELANIE!"

"Melanie?" I said in confusion

"Baby I'm right here look at me!" I said grabbing her hand

"STIX IM NOT HAVING SEX WITH YOU GET AWAY FUCK YOU YOU SADISTIC MOTHER FUCKER!" She said punching me in the face making my nose bleed

"Ah fuck" I said clutching my nose

"Hi um my name is Jasmine Parker were ganna need an ambulance." I heard jasmine say

"Oh my god I don't know some high way just please help me my sister is going crazy and she punched her boyfriend in the nose it's probably broken and I can't hold her down any longer."

"Please just hurry." She said and threw her phone to the back seat

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" Amani screamed

5 minutes later I heard sirens and saw an ambulance I hopped out of the car and told the paramedics what was going on.

"Okay sir well come with me so I can take care of your nose."

"No, no! I need to get help for my girlfriend."

"Sir we are helping her but at the moment you need medical attention so please follow me so I can take car of your injury." The woman said

I began to walk to the truck until I heard my baby's screams.

"Amani!" I called and ran back over to my car

"Sir, sir we are handling this please step back."

"CAMERON HELP PLEASE" she screamed out making my blood cold

"I'm right here Amani"

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME STIX!" She screamed and began to kick and thrash

I can't believe it she she doesn't even know who I am.

Oh my god cliff hangar wowza! Or as Sheldon would say BAZINGA!
Now I know this chapter is a bit dramatic but that's what I was heading for ya know.
Now if you are confused about what made Amani go crazy go to the chapter XO and then you would understand. Um not sure if this is considered a short chapter or not but I'll apologize anyway lol 😂🙈. 💜💙❤️ you guys. Plz Vote 🌟🌟🌟. Share💻📱💻. And follow me on twitter @SYDNIROMANO 🐦🐦🐦.

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