Prolouge - So The Plan Is...

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All I see is darkness...

It's freezing cold. I open my mouth to breath, but I can't. I feel a sharp pain in my head.

Is this how I'm going to die?

Suddenly... I hear a voice. Calling out to me.

"[F/N]... [F/N]...!"


Is it... him?

I slowly open my eyes.



All I see is darkness. It's freezing cold. I open my mouth to breathe, but I can't. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

Is this how I'm going to die?

Suddenly, I hear a voice. Calling out to me.

"[F/N], [F/N]!"

Is it him?

I open my eyes.


"Nagi, get the hell off of me."

I pushed the little devil down from my bed. Oh, come on, Mikado. I'm so done with him laying on top of me every freaking morning in a mode so I can't breathe, in the goal of waking me up. Does he want to kill me or what?

"Owie, owie! This hurt, [F/N]-chan!" he pouted.
"Oh stop playing cute, you're the one who was strangling me with your 100 kg."
"HEY! One, I'm not playing cute, I AM cute! Two, WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT MY WEIGHT???" he jumped on his feet, smoke coming out of his ears.
"Why don't you cool your head down... And let me sleep." I sighed, turning on my side sleepily.

So let's get this started off.

My name is [F/N] Ootori, age 14. Yes, you guessed right. I am the daughter of Raging Ootori, the younger sister of Eiichi and Eiji. I just can't how that weird of a man can be our father. Like seriously. This little jerk who just started punching me with a pillow, is Nagi Mikado, the biggest little jerk on earth. Don't get me wrong, I love him but he's annoying. He ruins all of my precious mornings. I just want a peaceful shower, a peaceful breakfast, and a peaceful day. Is that too much to ask?

"Nagi, quit punching me with that." I groaned.
"But you have to wake up!" he whined, inserting a big wave of the pillow between his every word. My poor back.
"Gimme 5 more minutes."
"You always say that and you never get up."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed the side of my mattress.
"Wait, what are you-"
I couldn't finish my sentence, because he lifted my mattress, making me roll down from it and landing on the floor with an "oof".
He walked beside me and bent down to look at me. "Get up, Raging wants to see you."
"... Oh great." I groaned. "Hhhhheeeellllppp," I whined holding out my hand towards him.
"Nope, get up on your own." he huffed.
"C' mon, Nagi. Be a gentleman for once and help me up."
"Bye-bye [F/N]-chan!" he said cheerfully running towards the door.
"... Leave me here." I finished the sentence, still laying on the floor. "I hate that jerk."
I got up from the ground with a groan. So I guess I have to get ready because Father has some stupid stuff for me again. Oh, how I love my life.


I breathed in and out a sigh, as that slightly good mood that Nagi's stupidness gave me slowly disappeared and seriousness and uneasiness took it's place. I stared at the hard wooden door blankly - it was the door that led to my father's office. I felt uneasy every time I talked with him. He didn't ever really love me, even less than the twins, like I was some sort of... outsider. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." said a deep, mischievous voice that belonged to my father. I stepped in with clenched fists, the tight feeling in my chest growing as Father was turning his back at me, dramatically looking out the window.
"... You... called me, Father?" I asked trying to keep my voice emotionless.
"Yes. I'd like to skip the nice talk and get straight to the point." he talked slowly, turning around and looking at me behind the sunglasses that was covering his eyes. He blew a bunch of cigarette smoke in my face making me scrunch my nose, then continued.
"I'm quite sure you heard how QUARTET NIGHT's popularity grew in the last couple of months."
"Yes, I've heard," I muttered trying not to breath in the unbearable smoke. I was a bit confused about why he was telling me about that band. I mostly heard of them from him, and of course, the band belonging to our rival, Shining Agency, the things he was saying weren't anything good.
"I've also noticed that one particular member enjoys most of the love of the fans." he continued starting to walk around. "His pure innocence and angelic voice mesmerize people."
I slightly furrowed my eyebrows not having a clue of who is he talking about.
"Ai Mikaze," he said seeing my confusion. "He does almost everything perfectly and has no emotions whatever that could lure his focus away from work. But he has one weak point."
I looked at my father's grinning face, the tense feeling in my chest growing. If he was talking about weak points, I know he wants trouble.
"He is unfamiliar with human feelings and is confused about things that can't be logically explained. He is also innocent and stubbornly clings to facts and numbers."
I slowly nodded using my hands to wave away the smoke.
"And... can I ask why are you telling me that?" I asked silently slightly afraid of his answer. He let out a low chuckle and I shivered.
"As I said, a lot of people love him... That's why... I want him in my agency."
I widened my eyes. "Huh...? You want QUARTET NIGHT to split?"
"I don't plan that, but that would be nice too." he grinned.
".... A-And how do you plan to do that?" I silently breathed out a sigh.
"Why, that's where you come in the picture."
I should have known...
"Earn his trust. Win his heart. I don't care how you do it, but lure him away from Shining Saotome."
And before I could react, I was pushed out of the office.
I gaped for a few seconds then started rubbing my temples.
What do I do...? I don't want to split a band...
I sighed. I guess I gotta tell father I won't-...
I froze.
It wouldn't be clever to disobey him. Plus... This could be my chance of finally earning his respect. So that he doesn't treat me like an office worker but like a... daughter...
I clenched my fists and looked up from the floor.
I gotta do it.


"Ai Mikaze is the youngest member of the idol band called QUARTET☆NIGHT. His hair is an aqua greenish-blue, his eyes having a similar color. His past and origins are unknown. Due to calculations that happened in 2016, he is the third most popular idol in Japan."

"What a mysterious person..." I muttered, closing Kiwipedia. "How do I earn his trust?"
I opened his song list and opened a random song.
Wow... he really has an angelic voice.
I looked at the picture of him nibbling at the end of my pen.
Ai Mikaze... I'm looking forward to meeting you... And breaking your band to pieces.

Yayyyy it's finally here. I've never seen this kind of UtaPri fanfic where the reader was on the bad side but hey maybe I was searching wrong.

I know it's short but it's the prologue, meeting him would jump into the storyline so that will be in chapter one.

So uhm yeah.

That's it.



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