Epilouge: Finally, Our Happy Ending

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It was sure a long road.

I was on my way back to the Master Course, my very first album clenched tightly in my hand. In the end, I successfully made my debut. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought it would turn out like that, and I'm still a bit nervous about being a celebrity... but as long as my loved ones are by my side, I know I will be able to do it. With a big smile, I nodded to myself. Something may have ended, but I knew this was the start of a new beginning.
Looking up at the Master Course's tall building, I let the setting sun shine down on me. The light glittered on those windows that I saw somebody glancing down through. This place created a new side of me. These people... created an entire new side of me. Chuckling to myself, I opened the gate.
I suddenly felt somebody grab my wrist. I turned around with a questioning look, only to see a pair of lilac purple eyes meet my own ones.
"... Eiji?" I mumbled, blinking at the panting brunette. "Were you running all the way here? On second thought... What are you doing here?"
"... Well, I..." he muttered, looking away. "... I wanted to say congrats for your debut, and.... I also wanted to say sorry."
"Sorry?" I tilted my head.
"..." he looked down. "You know.... well I... kind of..."
"You knew all along that I wasn't your sister, yes, I know."
"... E-Eh?" he widened his eyes.
"You spilled it out when I woke up." I sweatdropped.
"... O-Oh..." he looked down, an embarrassed red tint painting his cheeks. "I-I.... I'm sorry..." he whispered with shame.
"Eiji, it's okay." I chuckled.
"It wasn't right, maybe... But I know that you just wanted what's best for me. And, even if you aren't my real brother... I really, really appreciate that." I gave him my best smile. "So stop feeling bad! You were always there for me when I needed it, and that's what really matters to me."
For a second, I saw his eyes tearing up - then, he hugged me to his chest tightly.
"... I know we won't be able to see each other so much from now on, so... stay safe, okay?" he breathed shakily in my ear, and I nodded with a sad smile. "You will always be my sister at heart."
"Yeah... thanks, Eiji." I mumbled. ".... hey, stop crying."
"S-Sorry." he jabbered, quickly letting me go and wiping his tears. "It's fine. I'm glad you are finally happy."
I chuckled at him, poking his cheek. "It's fine... I'm not gone, you know. Just because I'm not living under the same roof as you doesn't mean we can't see each other!"
"Yeah... yeah." he nodded. "... I will go now."
He patted my head. "Do your best."
"I will!" I smiled. "Thank you. Bye for now."
I turned to the gate, opening it once again.
"Yeah... bye."

I walked through the darkening hallways, smiling bitterly to myself. It's understandable that Eiji is sad. He is kinda like a sad father after he has to let go of his daughter. But, it's for the best - and it's not like we will never see each other again. Nodding to myself, I let warmth fill my heart again. These hallways - the cold shivers that ran down my spine were replaced by an amazing warm feeling. After all, it wasn't the unknown, but somewhat still familiar creepy place filled with my enemies anymore.
It was my home.

I opened the door to our room.
"I'm home~!" I sang happily, setting my things down. Although...
Silence was my answer.
"E-Eh?" I blinked. Nobody was in the room.
"Weird.... by this time, they should be in their room..."
Pouting a bit, I started looking around in the now dark rooms. I looked everywhere - all of the dorms, the practice room, even in the bathrooms. The whole place was empty.
"Where is everybody....??" I mumbled to myself, placing my hand on the door of the last room left to check - the dining room. "Did they go to some late night work without te--"

I jumped back a bit, widening my eyes. Looking around the room, a warm scene greeted me.
Everybody was here, smiling at me through the most decorations I've ever seen. The tables were packed with my favorite food and sweets.
".... G-Guys, what...." I whispered. I could feel myself smiling widely.
"Did we surprise you, Onee-chan!?" Otoya bursted out from the crowd, just like an overexcited puppy.
"... Y-Yeah, I guess so..." I chuckled, making him yell out in happiness and hug me tightly.
"Geeeee, Otoyan! Let her breathe! Besides, I wanna hug her too!" I heard a certain brunette yell.
"Oh- etto- sorry Rei-chan."
"Soooo, [N/N]-chan!!" Reiji grabbed my shoulders. "Congrats on your debut!! Where is your album~!?"
"Oh- u-uhm... it's somewhere over here..." I mumbled, embarrassedly shuffling in my bag. "... H-Here."
"Ooh, ooh, let me see!!" Otoya leaned over Reiji's shoulder who snatched it out of my hand. "Uwaaaaaaah, so cool!!"
"... Rei-chan is so proud..." Reiji dramatically sobbed out.
"E-Eh!? Gee, Rei-chan, I'm the proud brother, not you!"
"I'm the proud Rei-chan then!"
".... both of you are dorks." I giggled.
"Nee nee, [F/N]-chan!!" someone suddenly grabbed my wrist. "Come with me!!"
"E-Eh-?" I yelped. "Ringo-- Hey, let go!! I didn't even have time to eat anything yet!!"
"Haha~ you can eat all you want after. Right now, we have to get you ready!!" the pinkette giggled, dragging me away to our usual make-over room.
"Ready? Ready for what??" I furrowed my eyebrows, but I got no answer.

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