Chapter 7 - Dancing On The Floor Of Secrets

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//; OOC Ai. And... OOC Reader?? XD

Time was passing quickly. And here I was, on another lesson with the devil.

My voice overlapped with his. The harmony was so perfect you never found a single flaw in the singing. But once my small finger gently pressed the last piano key, I stopped my hands' movements, and the melody was gone. I and Mikaze also stopped singing.
Silence took over the room for a few seconds. Then I slowly moved my gaze to the face of the aqua head and raised an eyebrow.
After I still didn't get a word out of him, I let out a gentle sigh.
"Hm?" he hummed out, looking back straight into my eyes as if he had no idea what am I looking at him for.
"Did I improve or not??"
"Oh... You did..." he muttered looking back down at his hand resting in his lap, but just as I was about to get happy, he added an "I think."
"Eh?" I blinked at him. "What do you mean 'you think'?"
"I mean that you could be better."
I groaned in exhaustion, closing my composition notebook and running my hand through my hair.
"I suppose, that brings our lesson to an end, no?" I looked at him again once getting my stuff together. He looked up at me for a second, then simply nodded.

Okay... that's abnormal, even for him.

"Okay... what's bothering you?"
"Eh?" he muttered out confused, moving his gaze back at me and raising an eyebrow at me.

Why are you 'eh'ing me, geez, aren't you supposed to be a know-it-all...

"Something's obviously wrong." I narrowed my eyes at him, hugging my notebook to my chest. "Is it about your song?"
"My song?" he repeated softly. "The heartbreak one?"
"Do you have other songs that you are working on right now?"
"Yes." he nodded bluntly. I let out an annoyed sigh.
".... Not that it concerns you, even though I guess you already know about this case- but no, it doesn't involve the song... I suppose, yes, the fact that I don't understand it does bother me, but I will in time. After all, it's just like a relationship."
"... A what?" I blurted out, plopping back down in my chair.
"A social relationship. Just because I don't understand it... doesn't mean I have to give up. Just like if I'm not getting along with someone at the beginning, it doesn't mean I have to give up. It simply takes time."

I blinked at Mikaze in silence. I didn't understand why would he come up with something so deep out of nowhere like that, completely randomly. Not only that, but I felt something strange behind the words, coming from him. Overall, I didn't know how to respond to it.

"... In short," he said after a bit, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "no, it isn't about the supposed heartbreak-song."
"... Well then?" I shook my head getting rid of my thoughts about things that I shouldn't care about him and thoughts about what he just said.
"..." he was silent for a few seconds, then sighed as well, a bit pissed. "Well... I suppose the matter does involve you."
Turning his gaze at me once again, he spoke bluntly and sharply.
"There will be an Agency ball held in three days."
"..." I furrowed my eyebrows, gesturing for him to continue.
"A ball. With STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT both performing, guest welcoming, eating, and, most importantly... ballroom dancing."
"Ah." I nodded. I didn't have a particular problem with ballroom dancing - I had to do it a few times on supposed 'missions' and tasks by Father, not to mention Raging Agency already had balls like that.
"What's your problem with that?"
"...." I didn't get an answer. I saw the same expression that he had on when he needed help with something - refusing to look in my eyes, almost pouting. In that second, I understood.
"Senpai," I called out. "Do you perhaps not know how to ballroom dance?"
"..." I saw a fat drop of sweat rolling down on Mikaze's forehead, as he now completely turned away from me. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

He made such a big deal out of it, it almost seemed like he was depressed over something... Gee, he is such a kid sometimes.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked sharply, looking back at me from the corner of his eyes.
"Just because... you make such a big deal out of it when it's really not. You are overdramatizing it." I rolled my eyes a bit.
"I am not. I didn't even do anything that would be..."
"Yeah, try to tell that to someone who will believe it. You sighed more times in the last couple of minutes than me when I was running laps around the school."
"... You are teasing me." he narrowed his eyes at me.
"What if I am?" I chuckled evilly.
"That I will punish you if you don't stop right now."
Demonic pictures of Shinomiya's cooking and my running sneakers flashed in my mind.

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