Chapter 13 - Life Of Lies Lying In Ruins

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This chapter contains things like physical damage, mention of death and blood. If you aren't comfortable with that sort of thing, I highly suggest you skip this chapter.

"What do you think you are doing with that paper...?"

I didn't even bother turning around to know that Raging Ootori was standing behind me. My strong grip caused wrinkles on my birth certificate. I stared at the wooden floor, letting my breaths finally calm.
"... My father is Shining Saotome." I whispered under my breath. 
"What was that?"
I looked over my shoulder. Then I glared at him and stood up.
"My father is Shining Saotome." I repeated, loud and clear. "Isn't he?"
He was silent for a few seconds, then chuckled lowly. "Took you long enough."
Something broke within me. I shook my head, staring at him with total disgust.
"... You... you ruined my life." I choked out, clenching my fists. "You took me away from my real family, and even had the guts to tell me you are my father and order me around like a slave...!!"
"That's pretty much what happened."
I grit my teeth. "What is wrong with you...!? Why did you do that to me!? Just to ruin my real father!? And you - you even told me it was his fault that Mom died!!" I screamed at him, fresh tears rolling on my already tear-stained face.
"It was, you know. If he watches out more, he doesn't get into a car accident."
"How could I even believe you now!?" I pushed on his chest. "You lied to me my whole life!! You took everything, EVERYTHING away from me!! You dared to lay a hand on me, you treated me like a slave!! I will tell you one thing, Raging Ootori - you will regret all of this, and you won't grin like that in the policemen's faces!!"
Before he could say anything, I sprinted out of the room. Tears kept flowing down my cheeks, my head filled with dark thoughts. Everything that I knew, everything that I had was a lie.
Why... Why was life doing this to me...!?


3rd person's POV

Raging didn't seem too bothered by his ex daughter's threats. Instead, he lit another cigar, placing it between his lips with total calmness.
Two men entered the office, their eyes covered with sunglasses. They both had coats on that said "Raging Entertainment Security".
"Is it time, Sir?" one of them asked. Raging blew a cloud of cigar smoke in the air, then walked around his desk, sitting down comfortably. He didn't rush things.
Putting away a few papers from his desk, he removed the cigar from his lips and turned to the guards.
"Kill her."


Meanwhile, in Shining Agency, things weren't the calmest either. A totally depressed Natsuki, who got woken up by the loud noise, was looking through pictures of [F/N]. Syo was trying to call her, to no avail. At the other side of the room was the source of the loud noise - Reiji was trying his best to reason with Ai about the whole case.
"Ai-Ai, she didn't--"
"I told you, I don't care."
"But, she really-"
"Go away, Reiji."
"Could you--"
The brunette groaned loudly, then slammed his desk on the table.
"Could you listen to me for once in your life!?"

His sudden outburst seemed to startle everyone in the room, even the ice-cold tealette. 
"Now listen closely and try to process it. [F/N] was being physically abused, beaten up if she didn't do what her father said." Reiji spoke slowly, running out of all patience. "Do you even know how much this whole case was hurting her? Do you have a clue how many times she came to me, crying? Do you even know much mental damage it caused her? She didn't want to do any of this! She was just afraid! And now you sent her back there... For your information, she may be in high danger right now, but here you are, sitting stubbornly and not doing anything! Yes, I understand your point - but, just, what is wrong with you!?"
Ai stared in front of himself.
Beaten up...
He recalled the time when they were hiking along with Otoya. He gave her intense stares at that time - he was staring at a particular thing. Her clothes being soaked in the water of the lake, he was able to see several bruises on her body.
And the time by her mother's grave...

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