Chapter 4 - The Darkest Shade Of Pink

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"Are you kidding me right now?"

I groaned, looking at the list of things that I should buy as I passed through the streets.

After being sick from that black fossil devilish thing for one whole week, Mikaze decided to continue my torture. He said that he let me off far too 'easy' and the second part of my punishment was to go shopping for his whole damn band.

Of course, Kurusu was whining for the whole time in the background about that not being a punishment but a prize.

Maybe for you, garden gnome.

Why the hell does the band even need five goddamned packages of sugar, XXL size?

I breathed out a tired sigh. It's not like I can just say no to him...

Suddenly, I heard my cellphone go off. I groaned, pulling it out from my pocket and looking at the screen with a frown.

I'm about to go through the world's deepest shopping torture, who the heck is calling me at this time...?

My frown disappeared as I could feel my eyebrows furrowing slightly, my face turning serious. On my phone's screen, Eiji's face was staring into my soul, only waiting for me to pick it up already and listen to whatever he has to say.

"Hello..." I greeted once I accepted the call.
"How is the plan going? Any progress?" he asked me. He sounded like he wasn't in the best of moods, seeing that he skipped any kind of greeting and jumped straight to the point.
Well, he is Father's son for a reason...
"Not much yet," I said in a darker tone, my happy-go-lucky fake tone now completely fading away from my voice. "He doesn't let me into his trust easily, and stubbornly cling to his agency..."
"Have you tried badmouthing Saotome or anything?"
"Yeah. All it did was making him walk away and write a harsher schedule for me." I grumbled, looking up at the huge poster of QUARTET NIGHT that was by the end of the road, which was telling people about the concert held in two days.
"Stubborn one..."
"... Hey, onii-chan." I muttered, looking at the smiling face of Mikaze on the poster, as he was practically shining.
"... Do you really think I can do this? Do you really think it's a good idea for me to crush people's hearts...?" I asked slowly, gripping onto my shirt with my free hand.
"... Listen, I don't really wanna do this either, you know." I heard him sigh. "... But... we both have to. I don't want to see you get hurt anymore..."
I pulled up my long sleeve, looking at the purple bruise on my arm.
"... Yeah, you are probably right..." I mumbled silently, my eyes darkening.
"I know you can do it, sis. Remember, I'm supporting you in everything okay?"
"Hai..." I sighed, looking up at the poster Mikaze once again.
I suddenly heard shuffling from the other end.

"Neee, [F/N]-chann~ It's your cutest mate Nagi here!"
I narrowed my eyes a bit, sweatdropping. "What do you want, pipsqueak..."
"I happened to hear that your little plan isn't going so well. So, being the generous person I am, here I am, to help!"
"Mikaze is more generous than you." I rolled my eyes a bit, chuckling to myself. This kid is annoying as heck, but he never fails to make me smile. "So, how do you plan to help, Mini Hitler?"
"Don't make me call you Pink Llama again~" he whined.
"Fine fine, just spit it out already."
"Wellll~ You know, if things aren't progressing... Maybe you should start playing dirty...~"
"Eh?" I muttered.
"You know, to make the band jump at each other! Like, break one of the blueberry guy's things and frame it on one of the other members? That would make them split up faster, don't you think?"
"..." I looked from Mikaze to Reiji, and from Reiji to the other two I haven't met yet. I felt my chest tightening.
"I'm a genius, aren't I? It's the most perfect plan to tear them to pieces! And after that, Ai-chan is an easy target. He will come running to Raging Agency~"
"..." I clenched my fists.
"... By the way, why are your breaths so heavy?"
"Ah! You know, just running for my life from Eiji."
"Ah." I nodded - pretty accurate. Eiji was one of the nicest angels in this universe, but do not piss him off, especially when he's already not in the best of moods.
Once again, I heard shuffling, then a scream, a squeak, and a whine, and moments later, I was hearing Onii-chan's voice from the other end again.
"What did he say?" was all he asked in a very calm voice. If he is talking in that tone, it means red code.

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