Chapter 2. "Moving in" (Part 2)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Walking to find somehwere to go for lunch a look around at the store's. I might just head into a convenient store and get something already made there.

After getting my self I small bite to eat, I head out on a walk. I hear a few somewhat explosive noises. I walk towards them to see my neighbor's son messing with another kid with green and black hair. So I chose so step in. This is complete trash. Standing up straight, and being ready just in case if he were to attack me, i'll be ready.

"Hey simpleton! Why don't you leave the kid alone! What did he do to you hm!?" Lets see how he acts.

"What the hell did you call me!?" He looks at me with his hands creating sparks. With a scowl on his face and his eyes glaring right in to my (E/c) (eye color).

"You heard me or are you too dumb to realize what I said. Want me to say it out for you?" I wait a few seconds and with out a quick response I say it.

"Simpleton! Your a simpleton!" I yell at him. He stops raises a brow and goes back to his glare and scowl. Charging at me with his sparks getting more frequent.

"What the hell does that mean, you bitch!" He charges at me. I spin on my heal to dodge his jump attack.

"S. I. M. P. L. E. T. O. N., another word for idiot. Your being an idiot for attacking this burnt haired veggie. What are you a villain" He gets up and looks at me with a mad face. I start walking towards the kid and put a hand on his shoulder. I look back towards the idiot.

"Im not trying to get into a fight yet. Thats not what I do. Unless i get mad. Let me guess your top dog around here the Alpha him self. But guess what, im an Alpha where I'm from. And I'm gonna guess your not gonna like it but I dont fucking care at all." Smiling for one of the first times once I got here. I bring up my hands and snap. Makeing me and this kid tellaport somewhere eles. And I can only go to places i can think of thats in range with me. And the only place I can go to is my house, in my kitchen. So that's where we end up.

"T-thank your for helping me with-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Don't. Its ok i get it. I did this with my best friend before. Well sort of. I'll keep you safe. I promise you that." I tell him.

"T-thank you" he says. He starts to bow a bit. But i stop him with my hand on his shoulder.

"Let me help you. What where you doing?" Asking him I look right into his green eyes.

"Ah, I was going back home from after meeting up with my cousin." He says.

"Well, let me take you back home, so your safe. Ok? And I dont care what you say, i'll do it anyway." He nods, so we both leave. On are way to his house I stop and buy both of us a drink I got (F/d)(favorite drink) while he just got a water.

"So tell me, whats your name?" I ask.

"M-my name is Izuku Midoriya."

"(Y/n) (L/n), it's a pleasure to meet you Izuku."

"You to (L/n)" he says a bit unsure. After I realize.

"I'm sorry! Im so used to the way in the U.S. we call people by there first names, unless there friends parent's. I apologize"

"Its ok (L/n)" sending me a smile saying 'its ok'.

"No, call me (Y/n) I like being called by my first name instead, Izuku. I can call you  by your first name right?" I ask making sure I have permission.

"Yes, yes you can (L/- (Y/n)." He stutters out.

"Great, now lets exchange number. So if you ever need help I can help you. Epically if you need any English help I got you there as well." Smiling towards him.

"Heat or the Cold" Bakugo, Katsuki x reader x Todoroki, ShotoWhere stories live. Discover now