Chapter 6. Getting ready.

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How is your day, or night going so far?
I have no true answer seeing as how this will take me a few days to write because I dont just sit and type it all in one sitting, but I sure can if I wanted too.

Anyway, Chapter 6.

Just remembered something while writing this. No real characters are here in this chapter. Think of it as a bit of filler. You dont have to read it, seeing as how some might not believe it is important.

But I say why not and read it?
I might try and link things back to this chapter into the next one. Almost like a comic, if I can remember to do it right.

'Mom wants me to act, and dress nice. Must mean someone is coming over.' I informed my self as started to walk up stairs to prepare.

'Mom never really cares, unless if it's someone of high class, someone she likes, or someone from work. I'm thinking its someone from work. We have not been here very long.' I walked in the bathroom and grabbed ahold of a towel and placed it onto the chair in the bathroom. Turning on the water to let it warm up I undressed to step in and take a quick shower.

'That seems like the only real reasonable answer. Let's go with that. What should I call mom? Mom, momma mother?'

Putting the shampoo and conditioner in my hair' well not at the same time. I rinsed them out.

'I think i will find out once I meet the person.'

With that I finished up on the rest of my shower, and let my mom drift off into anything eles but what's going to happen.  Dont want to stress over that.

Stepping out of the shower onto the tiles' I would grab my towel and wrap it around me. Walking towards the cabinet I would take out another towel a smaller one to place on the ground right by the shower. That's where most of the water is ghaf got outside of the shower. Or that's what I believe.

Heading to my bedroom, opening the closet to try and find something to wear. I own a couple of dresses not many. I guess I just have to go with whatever I have. (Pick a dress to wear because I dont care.)

"I hope mom won't mind if I wore this one." I spoke outloud. Drying off a bit' then choosing to grab some underwear, and a diffrent bra then before. I would dress.

"This should be just fine."

"Odd, is it not. Mom never really has dinner with me unless she has off from work which is not all the time. This must be important. Or in a way."

A small chuckle left my lips.

"I should probably clean up a bit. Dont want them examining the house and walk into my mess of a room."

Cleaning. A nice yet horrible thing. Some believe it's fun, others not. Me? As long as if it's not super bad then I'm good. My room is not the best, but is for sure not the worst.

Now that I'm thinking when did all of my stuff arrive? I think it came roughly around the same I did, or it was the next day?

No matter. I must focus on cleaning before mother arrives home.

Cleaning is an easy yet hard task. It's never too hard, just boring or annoying. It goes by much better when you have music or a best friend.

My best friends are far away, so music should help just fine.

Grabbing ahold of my (I-phone/LG/ Samsung/if you have something eles) and my bluetooth earbuds (heck yeah, why have normal earbuds when you can have bluetooth earbuds) going onto my music app. I start to play music cleaning up a but here and there, not too much to get my outfit dirty.

I could have cleaned earlier but I dont know for sure when Mom is returning with are guests.

There was the door bell.

Taking out the earbuds and stopping the music I place my phone down, then proceeding to open the door.

"Mother." I spoke out in English, I pack around her to see I'd anyone else has came with.

"We are not having dinner here. At a restaurant. I expect you to be ready. Are you?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Just let me grab my phone then I'll be down."

"I'll be in the car."

With a nod a jogged up the stairs into my bedroom. Grabbed a hold of my phone, and made my way back down the stairs. Opening the door to close, well after locking it. I went to the car.

Opening the passenger door, I slid in. I like to wonder where are we eating at? Who are we meeting? And when did mom get the chance to change? Oh well. I'll get an answer to those questions soon.

"Please be on your best behavior today. I dont want a bad impression." I was told.

"Yes mother."

"He has a son around your age."

"That's. Different." I saw suprised. Normally when mother makes me meet other they dont have kids my age. They are either older, or younger then me. Not my age. My age! Maybe I can meet someone new. This person, I wonder what they are like? I'm acting out of character. Do I miss everyone back at home much more then I thought?

"You seem more, not as surprised as I believed you to be."

"Its in the inside Mother."

"Alright then. (Y/n), dont think of this as me trying to find a new father. Or one to replace him for me."

I look over towards my mom. By what could she mean?

No one new for her to try and replace dad.

No one she thought could become my new dad?

Nothing about getting a new dad?

Nothing about her having a new significant other?

Or would like having one?

I am surprised. This is new.

"This is work related." She spoke out.  Me still looking at her, as we pull into a restaurant parking lot.

"Be on your best behavior. Because the hero here is one of the best. I dont want a bad reputation because of you. And for all we know, he could have brought other heros."

I nod. Not one word leaving my lips.

Mother's head turns towards me, a slight glare in her eyes.

"You act out of place one time, (Y/n). There will be serious consequences. Do you understand."

"Yes mother." I reply. Nothing eles coming out. With a nod from her she unlocked the car and we got out of it. Heading towards the restaurant.

What's gonna happen now...


I know I'm going to need to obtain a better cover soon. I will try and get to that soon. I should be able to do it much easier then before, seeing as how cross country season is going to be done soon.

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