Another Randomness

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(Edit!) This small message is added once I finished the one-shot. But please don't get mad at me because I don't do there, their or they're. I only or at least only do there the most. It probably is mostly wrong grammar where its put. But that's because I don't know the proper terms for each one. I know I'm English. But that does not mean I might not know the terms of something I was learned at a young age at that time I did not had enough care for it at all.)

Another randomness? That means another one-shot. I'm not sure if many others like the last one or not. But it's the least of my worries.

This one-shot had to come from my random ideas in my head. I tend to roleplay by my self when playing music.

I'm thinking of a smart yet over thinks everything reader. But also goes to a diffrent school. You'll see

Todoroki x reader

Let's try this.


'I tend to over think many things. A major weakness. Not many no because I don't say it out loud. Unless we work in pairs.' I said to my self, walking down the hallways of U.A.. What am I doing in these halls you may ask? My school in the U.S. has challenged U.A. to see what school is the best. Which means we have to figure out how this works we will have joint classes. We would have done it at my school mainly because if are bigger classroom sizes. But can't because are battle field is destroyed. Thanks to some weirdos at school.

As I made my way to the classroom I opened the door. A few if my classmates are there. But already talking around. As they heard the door open that's when they all looked over. Who came in now? I did.

"Ah. There she is. That's (Y/n) (L/n) top fighter and one of the smartest people in are class." A girl said from my school to the other. They were with a group. They look almost like nerds a bit. (AKA Dekus squad. Somewhat)

"If you want to push yourself she's the one to beat." Another said from are school. A few went over to greet me.

"Hello, I'm Ii-" I stopped him. I did not want to know them i don't need to know them. 'Should I get to know them? No. I. Don't think. They are enemies at this moment of time. But are they really? AGH! SHUT UP MY SELF!'

"I don't need to know your name or anyone's name that goes here. I don't see the point. What's the chances of us meeting  again in the future? Very slim. If I plan on being the best hero I can be what's the point of being friends with someone I might not see later in life?" I look up at him. Blank eyes. My tone sounded empty. Like nothing was there. But that's how I tend to talk.

"Aw (N/n) no need to be rude about it. At least they try and be nice to them." By best friend Tikal said.

"Fine." I looked over at the Male. I don't really want to do this. 'But just the once. I don't want them knowing too much about me. Mayne a little wont hurt. Anything they can use against you is bad!. Right!'

"(Y/n) (L/n). Is the name. And everyone better listen for I am not saying this again. You said your name start with an I was it?"

Yadda yadda this went on for a while. People trying to talk to me only getting a blunt response from me. A green hair Male came up to me. Well green and black. So a burnt piece of a green vegetable.

"H-hi im-"

"Izuku Midoriya. I over heard." He looked a bit surprised. 'Did it not seem like I was listening? But I was? How was that even possible? Maybe because he did not really notice or maybe something is about to start? Why would that be? Chase (an oc I made that is Bakugou's cousin. They look very much alike other then the eye color is a bit off and their hair. Both born on the same time so I call them twin cousins.) Trying to start something? No he's not that dumb. Is he?'

"Heat or the Cold" Bakugo, Katsuki x reader x Todoroki, ShotoWhere stories live. Discover now