Scenario: (Y/n) dies.

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Just bored. And I'm trying a few diffrent things while making the story. One thing is so I'm not constantly working on this story with out anything eles. And maybe if you really like these other things I can make a second book on just that.

A few breaths leave my lips. As I lay on the ground blood scattered all around me and the villain I fought. This villain a best friend of mine, or well ex best friend. Clouded with jealousy. Jealousy can make you do some wierd things.

"Looks like it's the end huh, (rival name)?" I spoke out coughing a bit.

"Yeah. It does. Looks like we took it to far (Y/n). It was a pleasure not only being your rival but you the one to bring me down."

"Back at you."

We both cough out, my rival having a groan and turned on the ground a bit.

I shift my self to look at him/her. A smile spreading on my face.

"S-see you in the after life y-yeah?"

"Ye-ah (Y/n)."

"A bit sad your significant other is not here. To see your final breaths. But I like it just being us."

"I dont blame you. I dont w-w-want to see their expressions."

We stop talking.

Moments of silence fly on and on. I dont like it. But this is what it came too.

"Wanna play a game till we actually pass on (N/n)?"

"Sure (rival name)." You replied.

"I spy, with my little eye. Something tall yet grey with a small light at the end.

"Is it a building?"

"Close yet not close."

"Hmmm tall, grey, with light at the end. Is it a lamp post?"

"Yeah. Your turn now."

My eyes drifted everywhere I could look, slighting glaring into the distance to actually see. It was hard, but it seems as if the moon was coming up. That seemed like a good think to say.

"I see something shinning bright." I spoke out.

"H-hahah! Y-you gave me a to easy one...its, it's the moon isn't it." (R/n) spoke out.

"Y-your good."

"I know I am (Y/n), and so are you..."


"I really appreciate that (R/n)."

I waited a bit for a snarky response from (R/n) but one did not come.

"(R/n)? Are you ok?"

I tilted my head to look over towards them. They have their gaze into the sky, looking at the bright moon. What I wonderful sight.

"(R/n)?" I tried once more, but nothing.

We might not have always had the best relationship, but I could not stop the tears from forming into my eyes. I dont have the strength to wipe them away so the only thing I can do is look back up at the sky. And wish to have a peaceful death along side my long time rival.

I am happy, yet sad.

I am happy for my rival, once a great friend to an enemy to dying by my side. But Its alright. Or I hope so.

I'm sad because I won't get to see my lover for the last time. I dont want them to see my like this either. They dont need to see me like this. I just wish for them to get better.

"Heat or the Cold" Bakugo, Katsuki x reader x Todoroki, ShotoWhere stories live. Discover now