Chapter 7.

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Deep down. I know I have all this time to look for a proper picture for the cover. But here I am using a picture of my friends pet, Loki.

We have arrived at the location we are having dinner at. A sigh left my lips. No, dont act like that (Y/n) mom would be very bothered. Just try and act like the perfect girl. Only for a few hours, not even maybe a couple.

God dont jinx myself.

Opening the door to the restaurant I let mom in front of me. It's odd but what I'm used to in a way. No questions please paparazzi.

Walking along side of my mother the door would shut on it own, what type of door does not? doors. Unless its broken. Right?

'Gah, all of these thoughts are so pointless.' I growled to my self in the thought.

Mother of course sending me a quick glare to as said "Straighten up! Dont make me look like a fool! And stop that growling why your at it!" Is what the glare would have said, if possible to speak.

Doing what was asked, from a glare. I stopped my growling. Mother stopped to talk with someone at the check in counter thing. The waiter, bringing us to are location.

A bit of walking, a twist, and turn here, and there. And we made it to a room with one table a few chairs and two unknown figures placed in both chairs.

Red hair, marked. Red and white hair marked.

Fire, marked down as well.

That's all I need to know for now. What's the chances of be running into them let alone talk to them again?

Very slim, indeed so.

Following mother to the table she takes a seat and I take on next to her.

I let mother talk with this mysterious person, a waiter soon coming to give us menu's.

"What would you like to drink?" They asked.

I stare deeply into the menu trying to translate what I can gather. Speaking Japanese is diffrent then reading it.

Mother answers fast, me on the other hand. Took a bit. I got a glare and I just looked at the waiter.

"I'll have a water, yeah water. Thank you." I inform.

'I'd rather have a pop. It just would taste better at this moment. But I cant do that, not right here and now.' I thought to my self.

Watching the waiter nod and write down my drink they turned and walked away to go get us are drinks. The other two mysteries of males already having their own.

My eyes drift at Mother. She looks, and seems as if shes trying to act more professional. More effort in trying to look, better? Could I use that word? Or is their a better word choice to pick from?

"...(Y/n)." My mom stated out of knowhere.

Shaking my head I look over towards her with a confused look.

"Say hi to the two that are dinning with is today (Y/n)." She started with a slight glare. Just by my interaction she knew for a fact I was not paying attention to anything going on.

I only nodded and look towards the two others.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)...I-I mean (L/n) (Y/n)!" I mumbled a slight 'gah!' under my breath, I will not get used to that odd tradition for a while.

Mother only shaked her head.

"Todoroki Shoto." The two colored male said. He was so formal. That's a first. Back at home I dont want to sound sexist or anything but lots of males seemed not to care unless trying to impress someone else.

Mother only slightly nodded and went back to talking with the other male, older as a fact. Must be the father of the Sho- Todoroki. Gotta get used to that, so in fact.

His father...must have a quirk along the lines of fire. I heard mother say the word 'Endeavor' a few times. I'm taking that that is his name. Or at least hero name.

Now that I think that, he never did really speak of the (L/n) last name.

It had to happen either earlier or just recently because I saw my glass of water on the table in front of me.

Gripping onto the glass I took a big sip from it. Soon after setting the glass down.

A bit more of them talking here and there, me sipping from my drink every once and a while. My eyes drifting all over the place studying so many things.

Doing that made a realife time skip happen. This ain't craft mine, where did the time go?

We never did get something to eat. And we are at a fancy restaurant as well. How come we never took a order?

A sudden moment later both of the adults left the table. Once I saw them walking away I had to turn out and call for mom.

"M-mama?" I asked out loud. I call mother many things typically mama when I'm confused or scared.

"Did you not hear them say they were gonna go so we can have a moment to talk." Came from two colored hair man, kid, dude, teen.

"Oh...well then, what do you like to do?" I chose to ask trying to make conversation.

"Train." He spoke out.

" that all?"

"What did you expect?"

"Nothing, nevermind." I spoke out resting my elbow on the table, placing my chin on my hand and drifting my eyes toward somewhere eles in this world.

If I would have payed better attention, I would have noticed he gave me an odd look before sighing and doing his own thing.

'Man rich kids these days, so boooooooring.' I thought to my self before my mind drifted else where.

Once durning my mind drifting away is when I looked back at him, he cought my gaze pretty fast. Causing me to slightly scoff and go back to looking around the room.

'What a waste to be here.'


So me going, hey yeah I'm gonna sit down and type my fanfiction out more over winter break seems to look like a lie. I did more in a scattered amount of days after school at 9pm the I did when I actually had the time to type out this odd fanfiction while slowly changing how the chracters truly act.

Once I start to watch season 4, which I have yet to actually do. But I'm waiting for a of it to be uploaded on Hulu. It might be done now, I'm not too sure. I'll check on it later.

But another problem on to that, is that I'm actually a percentage of the people that prefers dub over sub. Now I dont have anything against sub and will watch something it if I need to. But I like being able to walk away from the device I'm watching it on to do something seeing as how I mostly watch anime while earing or cooking food.

Sorry for ranting, god.
I'll gather my thoughts for the next chapter and start working on it.

"Heat or the Cold" Bakugo, Katsuki x reader x Todoroki, ShotoWhere stories live. Discover now