cocoa butter kisses pt 4

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Dominic's pov

wtf?? that California girl...tali whatever her name his boobs STANK!

yn: sorry. we used to be best friends well more like sisters.

Dominic: oh...umm I think this will make you feel better

yn: what?

Dominic: her breath and boobs STANK

yn: lol your crazy.

Dominic: I could help you make her jealous. *sees cali walking towards table*

yn: how cou-

Dominic leans over the table and kisses yn passionately.yn pulls away pulling on Dominic's bottom lip

Dominic: *mumbles* damn

cali: here's yo drank *puts drinks down* y'all wanna order or nah?

yn: can we have a different waitress? please

cali: gladly. but you'll have to move your table.

Dominic: if it's okay with my girl then it's okay with me. bae? *smirks*

yn: I'm okay with it baby.

cali: fine. follow me. *brings them to a table and walks away*

Dominic: here yn. *pulls out yn's chair*

yn: thank you.

Dominic: so..what's up with you and ole girl?

yn: we had a fallen out. a guy friend was caught up in the middle. we fought and I broken her nose,ribs, gave her a black eye.

Dominic: damn you beat her ass?

yn: at least I didn't black out.

Dominic: remind me not to piss you off. okay?

yn: okay. just know I won't do it to you.

Dominic: so im special?

yn: pretty much. *kisses Dominic's cheek*

Dominic: *sees waiter but a baby chair to the next table* looks like we will have a family next us.

yn: I'm good with that.

15 minutes later

yn's pov

can this date get any better? I found out me and Dominic basically like the same things.

Dominic: so the baby mama up and left and moved so I haven't seen her.

yn: well she left a beautiful baby girl.

Dominic: thanks I hope I don't see her any time soon because I might actually yell at her or even thank her for leaving 2 years ago.

Dominic's pov

damn I spoke too soon

Dominic: *mumbles* damn

yn: what's wrong?

Dominic: she's here

yn: who?...the baby mama

Dominic: yup and she's probably gonna sit next to us.

???: D?


do you think there's more on the cali and yn fight? so what y'all think about the story so far? might update tonight and if not tonight then tomorrow. comment, vote and share please love bugs


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