Shot 1. Lucky in marriage, but unlucky in love...

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Hola my crazy phankhas...

Good day to you all...


Any guesses on who might be Nugget and Bunny???

You people are becoming too smart haan.... Wah wah... What a smart guess, my dear buddies...

As you all know, there are only two options... Either this or that... You people are saying both the answers 😂😂😂😂😂... But the answer is...

Peep inside and find the answer....

Are you all ready to read the first shot:

Here you go...


Some people are so lucky that even after hurting , they get more love... But some are unlucky that even after loving so much, they get hurted a lot...

Just when it seems that life is getting good and fine, as you wished, something unexpected has to come up and ruin everything...

It really sucks when you wish to let it go, yet your inner self is hell adamant in waiting for the impossible to happen...


It's a soothing and chilly evening... Sun rays are unwillingly moving away from the earth and is glaring at the beauty queen Moon, for spoiling his romance with his darling earth... Controlling the terrific anger, the Sun bids adieu to the earth and closes its shining rays...

The moon is smiling happily and winking at the hot, angry sun, as if conveying him that it's her time to do the romance with the cozy, dark clouds... Slowly the moon started to shine brightly in the dark sky and the glow in the moon, may be the secret of her romantic love story too...

The stars too starts to twinkle in the dark sky... Chill breeze is hitting the earth and it seems like it can freeze anyone, who comes out, without wearing their sweaters and jerkins... The whole place is looking like an ice clad snowy region and the nearby snowy mountain can freeze anyone with the chillness...

A petite figure is sitting in the classy swimming pool of the beautiful villa, by drowning her legs completely inside the chilled water, without minding the coldness, which can drain all her blood and can froze her whole body into an ice berg...

The freezing cold is not at all bothering the girl, who is hugged up by a loose, sleeveless crop top and a high waist, short pants... She is sitting aimlessly and staring at the moon and the stars, while her eyes are trying to shed the precious tears ....

A big thunderstorm is wavering inside her heart and she feels completely broken, as she didn't expected such a thing will happen in her life... She wants to shout aloud and cry hardly for her misery and destroy everything around her mercilessly...

Left without any option, Pragya is staring at the sky blankly and she being the reason behind all her misery, pricks her heart into pieces... Not only did she spoiled her happiness and future, but also she has destroyed the life of the two brothers, who loved her dearly, all these years...

 Not only did she spoiled her happiness and future, but also she has destroyed the life of the two brothers, who loved her dearly, all these years

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Caged in HEART- Abhigya Three Shots By CRAZYMAHIZ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now