Epilogue (Part 2) Caging the Heart, which belongs to me

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Here I'm with the very last update of this story...

Thanks to all those wonderful souls, who supported me in this story....

The shot may be little bit big... Read patiently.... Hope, I won't bore you at all....


Read the shot with your own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


Sometimes, a single prank can collapse everything... The just for fun, playful acts can bring us a big harm and will push us in a living hell... No one is to be blamed for the mishaps happened... What's written in our fate will happen for sure... Life is so precious... It's better to be careful, rather than crying, after the mistake had happened...

A marriage is not a child's mere puppet play... It unites two persons in a beautiful and strong bonding... It's wise to hold on to the relationship and move on in life, not thinking about the bad past...

It's not at all going to be easy... It's really going to be tough to handle the unexpected situation... But if you support me, I can cross the hurdle so easily..



Pragya is hell scared and she is praying hardly that nothing should happen to her Nugget Abhi at any cost... Her eyes are overflowing with blood tears, but her lips are keep on Praying to God continuously...

Shabbir, who felt guilty of scolding Pragya unnecessarily , doesn't know what to do to convince Pragya, who is crying like a little baby... Though they are in an emergency situation and they need to rush up to the hospital soon, Shabbir can't digest the sad state of Pragya...

Shabbir parks the bike in a secluded corner and gets down from the bike... He cups Pragya's face lovingly and kisses her forehead, for the very first time, as Pragya won't let anyone other than her Nugget to kiss her there...

The calmness in Shabbir's face scares Pragya a lot and she didn't argue with him , for kissing in her forehead....
Tears overflows from Pragya's eyes uncontrollably and she hugs Shabbir tightly and cries aloud....

 Tears overflows from Pragya's eyes uncontrollably and she hugs Shabbir tightly and cries aloud

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Shabbir: Hey Baby .. What's this... Nothing will happen to Abhi ... Stop crying , dear... Abhi will surely scold me, If I made you to cry..

Pragya: I know about my Nugget.. He won't hurt me like you.. Bunny.. Nothing will happen to my Nugget , right.. If any thing wrong happens to him means, I will die for sure...

Shabbir: Hey stupid girl ... What kind of talk is this haan... Promise me... You shouldn't repeat such words ever...

Pragya: Now too you are scolding me only... You are not at all loving me... If it's my Nugget, he will console me and won't shout on me like this...

Caged in HEART- Abhigya Three Shots By CRAZYMAHIZ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now