Epilogue: (Part 1) Caging the Heart, which belongs to me...

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My heart felt thanks to all the lovely readers, who liked this story a lot...

Thanks for all your immense love and support...

As promised, here I'm with a long epilogue of this story... But it's quite a long one... So I'm in a forced situation to split it into two...

Really I'm so Sorry for doing so... I want to explain some situations in detail.... I hope you all are okay with it... Don't worry... In few days, you will get the balance part...

Many shocking and unexpected twists are awaiting... Hold on to your hearts properly and proceed further...

Read the shot with your own risk and strictly no bashing is allowed...


My heart and soul wants only you and no one else...

The heart which I thougt as mine all my life, has been parted away from me, cruelly... The heart never cared that I will be broken beyond pieces... But another heart which always cared and loved me is ready to do anything for me and is showering me with immense love... Though I'm blessed enough and enjoying the joy of happiness, which I never dreamt of, there is a void in my heart, as I'm not accepting him truly as my soulmate...

When the angels asks me what I love the most in my life, I'll say it's you and nothing else...


It's a chilly and cold evening... The weather is quite rough and the chilled weather will bring a shrill in anyone's body ... But Abhi and Pragya never cared about anything and have happily stepped out from the house, as it's been long time, since they went out together...

Abhi couldn't stop admiring Pragya, who is smiling happily after many years... He couldn't concentrate well in the road and he suddenly stops the car, as he didn't want to risk their lives at any cost...

Pragya: Hey Nugget ... What happened to you??? Why did you stopped the car, suddenly?? Are you okay???

Pragya quickly keeps her hands on Abhi's neck and forehead to check whether he is having any fever or not... A heartfelt smile creeps up in Abhi's face and he looks at his cupcake lovingly...

Pragya: Hey idiot... Instead of answering me, why are you laughing, haan??? I'm worrying for you but you are looking at me, as if you are seeing me for the first time..

Abhi: Of course... I'm seeing my baby girl in her chirpy, talkative mode after a longgggg time... My bak bak complaining, angry parrot is back to form finally....

How can I drive the car just like that, without admiring my cupcake???? Impossible... Let me look at you for some good minutes and cherish this beautiful moment, which I longed for many years... How about a selfie, muffin???

 How about a selfie, muffin???

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Caged in HEART- Abhigya Three Shots By CRAZYMAHIZ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now