Chapter Thrity~Two: Baby

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One week later (October 24th)
Jaylein pov

I stood over chris as he slep. He pisses my off, I woke that nigga up before my shower and he knows I have a doctors appointment. "Chris get yo ass up." I told him hitting his arm.

We ain't tell nobody about the baby just yet and I don't know when we are. "Christopher!" I yelled pushing me.

His eyes popped opened. "Man Jaylein What the hell?!" He yelled at me

"Getcho ass up." I said and started walking away. "We go be late so if yo ass in in the car in 15 minuets I'm leaving you." I told him then walked out the house.


Chris climbed in my truck and I took off. I heard him sigh and I glanced at him then back at the road. "What wrong with you?" I asked him.

He didn't reply, all he did was sit back and threw his head back. I couldn't see his eyes because of them damn dark ass glasses he's wear. I'll admit he cute with them on but his eyes is one of his best features.

I ignored his attitude and kept driving. His ass can't be mad at me I told him I had an appointment at 8am and he's then one that decided to do some runs and go check up on the club last night and not come home till 5 in the damn morning.


I yawn left chris mouth and landed all in my face then I chuckled. He laid on head on my shoulder as I smiled.

"My baby tired." I said with a high baby voice as I pinched chris cheek.

"Stop man don't do that shit." He said." He said smacking my hand.

I smacked my lips then thump him in his big ass head. "I hope are baby don't got yo big ass head and ears." I chuckled.

He smacked his lips and sat up and just looked at me with a serious face and I laughed. "I hope it do so he can rip yo pussy." He said and I gave him a straight face and he stared dieing laughing.

"Then you want be getting pussy." I told him sticking my tongue out at me. "And where you get HE from?" I asked him.

He smiled then licked his lips. "I picked the gender and I know it's a boy." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up Christopher." I said chuckling.

"Jaylen Jones." The nurse said holding open the door.

Chris feel our laughing due to them mispronouncing my name. I rolled my eyes as we stood up. "It's Jayleen" I don't see how people say it wrong.

"I'm sorry." She told me as me and chris walked to the back. I gave her a fake smile as we followed her. "Step over here so I can get your weight and height." She said.

She was an older light skinned lady. Nice hair green eyes freckles. She looked so familiar like I knew her or something.

I took off my shoes and shit and gave it to chris and then stepped on the scale then got my height done then blood pressure and we headed back to the room.

"Ok Ms.Jones your doctor will be right with you." She said giving me a smile and she had pretty deep dimples.

Once she left the room I sighed then sat back in the uncomfortable hard ass bed covered in paper. "Nervous?" Chris asked me.

I chuckled and looked at him. "A lil." I said shrugging. "You?" I asked him and he just shook his head. "How hard do you think being a parent can be?" I asked him.

He sighed and threw his head back in the wall. "Obviously hard my parents didn't." He told me.

"Well we're not them." I reminded him. "We're gonna be better then both our parents."

He smiled at me then stood and walked over. He stopped and stood in between my legs. He grabbed my chin softly then pecked my lips. "I love you." He told me.

"I love you too." I told him and there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled as chris backed away and stood next to me.

Another female doctor walked in. "Hello Jaylen." She said and I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes as chris laughed once again. She looked at chris and chuckled. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked as chris light skinned ass turned red.

"It's jayleen." I correct her as she walked over to the computer.

"I'm sorry Miss Jaylein." She said. "I'm Monica Homes I will be your new OBGYN." She told me with a smile and I nodded. "And that is the hubby correct?" She asked me and chris smiled.

I giggled then smiled at her. "Sum like dat." I told her and she smiled.

"Great well it's nice to meet the both of you." She said. "So your here because you believe your pregnant right?" She asked as chris went to go sit back down in his chair and I nodded. "Great, how far along do you think you are?" She asked again.

"Not sure." I told her truthfully while she slipped on some gloves.

"Well let's take a look and find out." She said with a smile and walked over to me. "Lay back please." She said and I popped my feet up and did what she asked.

"Sex is good for the baby right?" Chris asked her and I smacked my lips.

She lifted up my shirt and giggled. "Sure." She said turning on a machine then putting the cold ass gel on my stomach.

She grabbed the wand thing and rubbed it across my stomach looking at the screen.

Chris stood up and walked over to me as she looked at the monitor and it was a beating noise. "Well I found the Little's one heart beat." She said smiling at me and I dropped my jaw and looked at chris who was smiling staring at the screen so I did the same. "Found it." She said.

I looked as she pointed to the baby and tears filled my eyes as I saw my little one on the screen. "Your about 8 almost 9 weeks she said. "Which mean your due date is." She said then did the math in her head. "Around the last week of May." She said smiling.

"Damn." Chris said and I chuckled as we just watched it.

"I'm guessing you want some pictures?" She asked as my tear finally feel. I nodded and she smiled and pressed a few buttons. "Well sorry to end this but I just printed the pictures." She said taking the wand off my stomach.


She came back with the pictures and gave them to chris I filled out some paper work. "I'll be right back with your prescription." She said with a smile then walked back out and I went back to what I was doing.

I heard a picture being took and I looked at chris who was looking at his phone. "You betta not be taking a picture of my Christopher I looked popped." I told him.

"Shut up." He said and I smacked my lips and finished up my papers and my phone went off.

I picked it up and chris tagged me in something on instagram so I clicked on it and looked at the pictures.

thatniggachris As long as I'm breathing you two will never have to worry bout shit cuh I promise to give y'all any and everything @jjbitch

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thatniggachris As long as I'm breathing you two will never have to worry bout shit cuh I promise to give y'all any and everything @jjbitch

"Awe Chrissy." I said smiling at him. "I still looked hella popped tho." I said and he rolled his eyes as me.

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