"Just Leave Me Alone!"

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"Pleaseeeee Raph, just one video game?" The light-green skinned, blue-eyed turtle begged.

At 15, Michaelangelo Hamato was the youngest and definitely most innocent and childish of the turtle brothers.

He was currently trying to persuade his older brother, Raphael to play a video game with him.

Raph was not making it easy.

"Not now Mikey, I'm busy!" He said gruffly as he punched the red dummy as hard as he could.

Mikey pouted. "You never wanna play video games with me!" He whined. Raph rolled his eyes.

"That's cuz all your dumb games are for 6 year olds, besides I've got my own stuff to do."

"It says 10+ on the box, Pleaseeeee Raph?" Mikey said with a hopeful smile.

Raph grumbled under his breath, becoming irritated. "I said no, go bother Leo or Don."

He grabbed the glass of water that was by him and drank, as Mikey looked at him with his eyes watery.

"I already asked, they don't want to play either, that's why I asked you, please Raphie?" Mikey asked.

Raph's blood began to boil. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist. Something inside him snapped.

"DON'T. CALL. ME. RAPHIE!" He screamed as loud as he could. He then whipped around...

And threw a punch at Mikey, forgetting he was holding the glass in his hand.

What happened next was in slow motion.

Mikey's eyes widened in shock as his brother's fist came close, the glass came into contact with his face.

It crashed hard onto his right cheek, cutting it severely, barely missing his eye. He let out an ear-piecing shriek as the pain set in.

Raph breathed in and out deeply, suddenly realizing what he did when he heard Mikey's screams.

"M-Mikey, shell are you ok?!" He asked frantically, as Mikey held his cheek which was pouring blood.

Raph reached out to his injured little brother, in hopes of helping him or at least taking him to Donnie.

But Mikey backed away, still sobbing hard as he clutched his cheek. "N-No, leave me alone, don't touch me!"

Raph was bewildered. Mikey had never refused physical contact from any of them, not to mention showing fear.

"Mikey, I Didn't-

Before the red-masked turtle could say another word, Mikey ran out of the room and into the dojo where Leo, Donnie and Splinter were.

"Mikey?!" Leo gasped with he saw his little brother's face dripping blood. "What happened?!"

"R-Raph threw glass at me and it hurts, it hurts!" Mikey sobbed loudly as everyone rushed over.

"Rapheal did this?" Splinter asked in shock. "What provoked him to do such a thing?"

Mikey was sobbing too hard to answer, Splinter nodded understandingly. "We can talk about it later."

It was then that Raph walked in, still looking frantic. He knew Leo and Don were probably gonna give him shell for this.

"Mikey, please." He said worriedly. Mikey immediately sobbed harder and hid behind Donnie.

"Rapheal Hamato, how could you be so cruel as to throw glass at our little brother?!" Leo scolded.

"Leo, I swear it was an accident, I didn't mean to hit him with it!" Raph tried to explain, but Donnie raised a hand.

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