No Feeling

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Raph stared at the hole in the wall, which was bloodied. He then looked at his knuckles. The blood had dried.

He sighed, knowing he'd probably have to go Donnie's lab to get his hand fixed. It didn't hurt at first, but now it was throbbing.

Silently, he walked out of his room into Donnie's lab. The genius turtle was already in there, looking worried.

"Hey Raph....uh I guess I'd better look at your hand." Donnie jumped up as Raph silently sat down.

Donnie grabbed some antiseptic and. guaze bandages. "This might sting a little." He warned. Raph didn't reply.

Donnie sprayed the medicine on his brother's hand. The older turtle didn't even wince. He just sat, his face expressionless.

Donnie wordlessly cleaned the wound and bandaged. "Your knuckles are broken, but they should be be healed in about three weeks."

Raph nodded. Why wouldn't they be broken after punching a wall 50 times repeatedly in blind rage?

"Thanks Don." He muttered, going to leave. Donnie stopped him, placing a hand on the hot-head's shoulder.

"Raph....I know you're upset, but please don't take your anger out on yourself, it isn't healthy."

Raph froze. "Why do you care?" He muttered. Donnie looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I broke Mikey!" Raph shouted. "Don't you guys hate me? Aren't you mad?" Donnie took a step back.

" you think we hate you?" He asked. Raph sighed. "How could you not? I hurt Mikey and pretty much traumatized him over nothing!"

"We don't hate you....yeah, you messed up and we're a little upset, but we're more worried than mad."

"Worried about Mikey?" Raph muttered, going to leave again. Donnie stopped him a second time.

"Worried about you." Donnie said, concern etched on his face. Raph shook his head and walked out.

"Raph..." Donnie began, starting to walk toward him. Raph raised a hand, telling the younger turtle to stop.

"I'm fine...just leave me alone." He said gruffly, turning his back on his worried brother and walking off to his room.

Donnie sighed and put away his medical supplies. "I don't think you are..." He whispered to himself.

Leo walked into Donnie's lab. "Has Raph come out yet?" He asked, "Yeah...he's still pretty upset, he was surprised I cared enough to bandage his hand."

"Did he break it?" Leo murmured. Donnie nodded. "His knuckles...they'll heal in three weeks..."

Leo sighed. "I'm worried Don...did you see how down he looked?" Donnie sighed. "I don't blame him for being so guilty...he thinks we hate him."

"He....he thinks we hate him?" Leo said. Donnie nodded sadly. "I've never seen him look so....depressed."

Leo sighed. "Well, if Mikey was terrified of me, I'd probably feel horrible...I feel bad for him."

"I know, I was an accident, and we don't hate him....we're just worried...for both of them."

Master Splinter walked in a few minutes later. "I sense...sadness and uncertainty....did you tell him?"

Leo sighed. "Hai sensei, we told him...he broke his knuckles in a fit of rage...he's taking it really hard."

Splinter's eyes widened. "Is he alright?" Donnie nodded, "His hand will be fine in a few weeks..."

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