Numb Agony

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Raph stood outside Mikey's door, debating on going in or not. He just wanted this all to be over. He wanted his little brother to be okay again.

Taking a deep breath, he walked into the room. Mikey was sitting on his bed, reading a comic.

As soon as Mikey saw the red-masked turtle, he froze up and tried to back up, which he couldn't do because he was in bed.

"S-Stay back!" Mikey stammered. Raph sighed and came closer, despite his younger brother's protests.

"Mikey, please...just let me-" Raph got cut off by Mikey. "No, just p-please go away!" Mikey said anxiously.

"Little brother, please....I'm not going to hurt again I swear, I just want you to be back to normal please..."

The hothead's pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears. Mikey saw him coming closer and raised his nunchucks.

"S-Stay back!" He repeated, tears shimmering in his eyes. "Don't come any closer!"

Raph sighed. "Michaelangelo, listen to me...I just-" Raph suddenly felt pain explode in his right arm.

He cried out in pain and clutched it. Mikey was holding his nunchucks, he had struck Raph.

Mikey's eyes widened when he realized what he had done, and he immediately hid under his bed, trembling.

Raph slowly got up off the floor and rubbed the tears from his eyes. He was done. He was giving up.

His little brother hated him.

As Raph slowly walked to his room, he ran into Donnie and Leo, who were looking at him in concern.

"Raph, you're arm...I told you not to punch the walls!" Donnie scolded lightly as he examined the limb.

"I didn't do it." Raph muttered emotionlessly. "Mikey did."  Leo and Donnie's eyes immediately widened.

"Mikey hurt you?!" Leo gasped. Raph nodded. "I tried talking to him, and he swing his chucks at me."

They sighed. "We know you want Mikey back to normal, but you've got to give him time to-"

"No!" Raph yelled. "It's been three weeks, Don!" Tears pooled in his eyes. "I can't wait anymore...I want Mikey back, I can't take this anymore!"

Donnie reached out to comfort the distraught turtle, but Raph moved away from the touch.

"Raph-" Leo tried talking to him, but Raph was already walking away. "Raph, wait!" Donnie called. "Let me look at your arm, it could be broken!"

Raph ignored him and continued walking. "It doesn't even hurt anymore." He muttered as he walked into his room, slamming the door.

That wasn't a lie. It really didn't hurt anymore. Raph couldn't feel the pain. It just felt numb. Just like his hand.

"I deserve this..." He muttered under his breath. "This is all my fault, I deserve all of this."

He saw his sais in the corner of the room, and grabbed them. "I can't feel the pain anyway." He mumbled.

Meanwhile, Leo and Donnie had told Splinter about what happened, and now the wise rat was on his way to talk to his youngest son.

He knocked on Mikey's door. "Michealangelo? It is me...may I come in?" Splinter asked calmly.

Mikey, who was hiding under his bed, was shaking in fear. He was terrified. He couldn't believe what he did.

"I can't believe I did that, I can't believe I did that....Raph's going to be so mad, he's probably going to hurt me again, why did I do that?!"

Master Splinter heard Mikey talking to himself and knocked again. "Mikey? My son, please open the door." He pleaded.

Mikey gulped and opened the door. "Sensei, I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear...I was just so scared and I-"

Mikey got cut off by Splinter wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Calm down, my son...I am not mad at you, I just want to know what happened, I am not going to scold you."

Mikey took a shuddering breath. "R-Raph came in and tried talking to me, but I got really scared because I thought he was going to hurt me again."

Splinter nodded, rubbing Mikey's head gently. "Go on." He urged. "And...all of a sudden, I was holding my chucks and he was on the floor."

Splinter nodded. "You swung them at him?" Mikey whimpered. "I didn't mean to, I was just so scared and he was coming way to close!"

Splinter held him tighter. "Shh, I know...fear can make you do things, you felt that you were defending yourself."

Mikey nodded. "But I don't want to be scared anymore! I hate feeling like this! I just want to be myself again, but I don't know how!"

"It may take some time, you experienced something traumatic, and when someone goes through something like that, it can take them a while to bounce back."

Mikey whimpered. "I hate feeling this way...but I can't control it." Tears trickled down his cheeks.

Splinter wiped them away with his thumb. "I know, I is alright, it may take a while."

Mikey didn't say anything else, he just snuggled into his father's embrace, happy that he wasn't in trouble.

Raph sat in his room, with his wrist wraps off. He put his sais away and re-wrapped his wrists. They were bleeding slightly.

"I deserve this...I can't feel it anyway, I deserve this pain...I feel numb." He muttered under his breath.

He buried his face in his hands and cried. He knew nothing would ever make his little brother okay again.

"I broke him...he hates me."

"I deserve this..."

"Even if I can't feel the pain."

A/N: Hey readers! I really hope you enjoy the chapter! More on the way...will Raph and Mikey ever be the same again?

Plz Comment and Vote!
Thx Enjoy!😘😍


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