"Please Don't Do It..."

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A/N: First of all...I'm so sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger so long!! I didn't intend that!

*places tissues down and walks out crying cause...things are about to get emotional*


Raphael stood in the middle of an ally, completely frozen as he held his sias in his hand, inches away from his jugular artery. He faced his youngest brother with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Raph, don't do it!" Mikey begged, tears threatening to spill from his baby blue eyes. "Please don't do it..."

Raph looked at his little brother. Why is he here...? Isn't he scared of me...? He thought to himself in shock.

"M-Mikey, I-" Raph cut himself off, as tears filled his eyes and a lump formed in his throat, choking him.

Mikey stared at his older brother. All his fear melted away. He slowly walked towards his big brother.

Raph placed the blade closer to his neck. "I d-deserve this..." He muttered as Mikey's baby blue eyes widened.

"No you don't!" Mikey yelled. "Raph, please! Please don't do it! Just put the weapon down, bro!" He begged.

Raph hesitated for a moment. He wasn't sure what to do. His mind was racing. It was as if his thoughts were on a speeding train with broken breaks.

Mikey tried to remain calm as tears trickled down his pale cheeks. What was he supposed to do? Where were Donnie and Leo?


Leo and Donnie ran through the streets as fast as they could. "Raph!" They called loudly and urgently as they ran full speed.

"Where is he?!" Leo asked no one in particular as he ran, out of breath. Donnie panted beside his oldest brother. "I...I don't know...but we have to find him, now!"

Both brothers kept running and calling out to the second oldest. They didn't know where Mikey was either, but frankly, that was the least of their problems.

They had to find him...

Before it was too late...


"Raph, please..." Mikey begged. "Don't kill yourself...I need you, we all need you!" He almost yelled as he fought to keep calm.

Raph stared at his little brother blankly, his eyes dull as he stared at the bandage that Mikey still had on his face. That bandage was a cruel reminder of what he had done.

How he had broken his little brother...

Both inside and out..

All because of a stupid video game...

And his temper.



Master Splinter sat in the dojo, his normally calm mind racing. A million thoughts ran through his brain as he sighed to himself.

"Please Raphael, do not go to the dark side..." He mumbled to no one as he ran a hand through his fur.

He hoped his sons were able to find Raph before it was too late. They had to, they just had to...


Mikey faced his second oldest brother, a determined but scared look on his face. "Please..." Raph looked at him, as he slowly put down his weapon.

Mikey sighed mentally in relief. But he knew his older brother wasn't out of the sewers yet...he made sure to keep the weapon closet to him, to make sure Raph wouldn't try anything.

"Mikey...why?" Raph choked out, finally as he stared at his youngest brother. Mikey looked up at his big brother. "Why what, bro?"

"Why did you come here to stop me? I deserve this! I deserve to die after what I did to you!" Raph yelled.

Mikey flinched back a little at the sudden yelling. His mind started flashing back to the incident that started this whole mess in the first place.

Raph saw fear in his little brother's eye...the one that wasn't hidden by a bandage. He slowly reached for the weapon.

Mikey's eyes widened. "Raph, no!" He ran to the his big brother and snatched the sais away. He then hugged his shocked brother as tight as he could.

Raphael hugged back, finally letting the floodgates open as he collapsed on the cold hard ground, holding his youngest brother tightly.

A/N: Hey guys! I am once again so sorry! I didn't mean to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for so long! I really, really hope you guys enjoy!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey guys! I am once again so sorry! I didn't mean to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for so long! I really, really hope you guys enjoy!

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