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"I don't want to play video games anymore Leo, please don't make me!"

Leo looked down at his little brother, froze on the spot. "W-What?" He said softly, thinking he heard wrong.

"P-Please don't make me, Leo." Mikey sniffed, hiding his face back into his big b-brother's shoulder.

Donnie and Leo exchanged a worried and confused look. Mikey had been playing video games since he was 9...why the sudden fear?

"M-Mikey, can you tell me why you don't like video games anymore?" Donnie responded, worriedly.

Mikey lifted his tear-stained face and whimpered. "R-Rapheal hurt me because of one!" He wailed.

A cold chill ran through the brother's spines as Mikey spoke Raph's name in such a way, a way that he never had before...

He wasn't fine....was he?

"Uh, Mikey...why did you um call Raph by his full name?...Normally you refer to him as Raph....or Raphie sometimes."

The moment Leo said that, Mikey went into a panic. "No, no you can't call him that! He'll hurt you guys too, don't call him that!"

He started hyperventilating, which was a key sign of a panic attack. Tears bubbling out of his shining baby blue eyes.

Mikey didn't know what was wrong with him. His plastron and chest started to feel tight and he was trembling viciously.

Leo and Donnie embraced their frantic little brother in concern. "Shh, calm down otouto, it's ok."

They held him like that for a while, slowly rocking him back and forth as they murmured words of comfort.

After about 20 minutes, Mikey calmed down, his hysterical sobs turning to soft whimpers as he fell asleep in his brother's arms.

"Is he ok?" Leo whispered to Donnie who hesitantly nodded. "He had a panic attack...a severe one at that."

The two slowly and carefully placed Mikey into his bed, tucking a blanket over him. "It is normal for him to sleep like that, Don?"

"Yes, severe panic attacks can cause exhaustion afterward, he'll be ok, we just need to let him sleep it off."

Leo sighed as they walked out of the room. "Don...I don't think Mikey is ok...we should talk to sensei about this and see what he thinks."

Donnie nodded. "You're right... let's go talk to sensei...should we tell Raph as well?" Leo shook her head in reply.

"No...I think he already feels bad enough as it is, he seems really upset about it already."

With that, they walked to the dojo where Splinter was meditating. He sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

"Uh, sensei?" Splinter opened his eyes and stood at the presence of his son.
"My sons, what is troubling you?"

Leo rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, well...Mikey's not ok sensei, he just had a bad panic attack."

Splinter's eyes widened. "What happened?" He asked. "Well, we were going to play video games without him...but he got really scared."

Donnie stepped forward. "He said Raph hurt him because of one...he referred to him as Rapheal and when we asked him why, he panicked."

Splinter hummed, stoking his goat-ee in though. "Rapheal told me that Michealangelo kept asking him to play a video game with him."

"And that's when he hit Mikey?" Leo asked. Splinter nodded. "Yes...he feels horribly guilty about it, I can tell."

Leo sighed. "He isn't ok....but what can we do? We thought he was better but he's not...he's still terrified of things."

"There really isn't anything we can do Leo, we just need to try and help him get throughout this, but it will probably take a long time."

Leo nodded. "I just want things back to normal, I hate seeing him like scared of a video game and of his big brother."

Splinter put a paw on Leo's shoulder. "I understand hurts me too, to see Michealangelo this way."

After a moment of sitting in silence, Donnie broke it. "Maybe Mikey has Syngenesophobia."

Leo and Splinter looked at him with wide eyes. "What did you just say?" Leo asked, looking at Donnie.

"Syngenesophobia, it's an irrational fear of relatives....Mikey's never expressed fear like this before though."

"Is it permanent?" Splinter asked worriedly. Donnie sighed. "I...I don't know, it might not be...but either way, he may not be the same."

Leo didn't want to think about that. He couldn't bear to imagine his precious little brother living in fear and anxiety for the rest of his life.

"Raph is not going to the this well...he already feels guilty enough as it is...but what do we tell him?"

Splinter hummed thoughtfully. "The truth...we should not lie to him, it would not be right."

Leo and Donnie exchanged glances. "You're right sensei...and he did try to tell me that something was wrong."

Splinter looked up. "What do you mean, my son?" He asked. "He told me that he thought something was wrong with Mikey."

Splinter nodded. "Is Michealangelo awake?" He asked. Leo shook his head. "No...he cried himself to sleep after the panic attack."

"Poor Michealangelo...let him rest for now, my sons...and maybe we should talk to Rapheal later and tell him."

They nodded. They knew Raph wasn't going to take the news well. But what could they do? They couldn't just lie to him!

"Hai sensei, we'll talk to him's late and he's probably asleep." Donnie said obediently.

As they left the room, Splinter stayed and looked off into the distance. "Oh not grieve too much, my son."

"Everything will be alright."

A/N: Hey readers, I hope you enjoy! Two days till Christmas, you guys excited?! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! Enjoy the chapter!

_______________________________________A/N: Hey readers, I hope you enjoy! Two days till Christmas, you guys excited?! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! Enjoy the chapter!

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