Family Struggles

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It was morning.

The brothers were dreading the talk with Raph. They would have to tell him that Mikey, their innocent baby brother, was scared of him.

They met up in the kitchen, trying to decide the best way to go about this. "Should we just tell him?" Leo suggested.

Donnie shook his head. "No...break it to him gently, either way he's going to be really upset and probably guilty."

"We gave to tell him though, Mikey... Mikey may not get better, and if that happens....Raph will, he probably won't be the same."

Splinter had a suggestion for his boys of how to break the news to the hot-headed turtle in the other room.

"I think you boys should break it to him gently, he will probably be extremely upset and most likely angry at himself."

They agreed. Leo and Donnie walked to Raph's room, taking a deep breath. "What?!" Raph yelled from the other side when they knocked.

"Uh, R-Raph we need to talk." Leo said quietly. "It's about Mikey." Raph immediately opened the door.

They could see his eyes were red-rimmed, indicating that he'd been crying, but they didn't point it out.

"Is....Is he back to normal now?" Raph asked hesitantly, hoping they wouldn't mention what happened before in the dojo.

Donnie and Leo exchanged glances. Donnie sighed. "No...Not yet, and the truth is...he may never be."

Raph froze. "W-What do ya mean?" He demanded, beginning to get angry, as they expected. Leo gulped.

"Mikey seems to have a case of Syngenesophobia, it's a fear of relatives." He explained.

Raph looked at his brother in shock. "Mikey....Mikey has a phobia of me?!" He gasped, not believing it.

"I mean...I know he's kinda scared of me because I hurt him, but why is it this bad?!" He muttered.

Leo moved to place his arm around Raph's shoulders. "Raph...there's a very small chance he'll be...okish."

Raph slammed his fist into the wall, making a hole and his knuckles dripped with blood, now broken.

"Raph!" Donnie gasped, trying to stop his older brother from severely hurting himself further.

"I can't believe I did this!" Raph yelled, continuing to punch the wall. "I broke my youngest brother!"

"Raph..." Leo began, but was cut off by Donnie. "Let him be...he needs to be alone right now." They then walked out of the room.

Raph continued punching the wall until he couldn't feel his hand anymore and blood coated the wall. He growled in absolute rage.

Why had he done this?!

Why had he hurt his little brother?

He broke him!

Traumatized him!

All over a video game!

And he'd just broken his own knuckles.

The hothead buried his face in his pillow and sobbed, wishing none of this had ever happened.

But it did happen.

He gritted his teeth as the pain finally set in.

Leo and Donnie sat in the lair. "Do you think he's...ok?" Leo asked. Donnie shook his head. "I think he's probably broken his hand."

Leo shook his head. "Yeah, that too...I mean mentally, do you think he'll be ok?" Donnie sat in silence.

Donnie was the genius.

He knew everything.

He always had an answer.

"I...I don't know, Leo."

Splinter sat in the lair, listening to his son's conversation. He felt grief for all of them. Rapheal, because he was guilt-ridden and plauged.

Michealangelo, because he was traumatized.

And Leonardo and Donatello, because they needed to go through this, through their brother's battles of fear.

Fear and anger.

Anger and regret.

Regret and guilt.

Guilt and pain.

Both physical and emotional hurt.

"Oh my sons...remain strong through the times of doubt and not fall into the darkness."


Mikey woke up confused.

The fear and memories suddenly returned to him, draining the color from his lime-green cheeks.

"R-Raphie hurt me." He mumbled, remembering. He looked in the mirror at the bandage over his face.

Mikey flopped on his bed, crying softly. He was scared of his big brother, yes...but in a way, he felt something.

Something deep inside him.

Something that he didn't want to feel.

Hearing his red brother's name struck not only fear, but sadness.

"I....I don't want to be scared but I can't help it." He whimpered, wincing as he rubbed his bad eye.

He sat in the dark for hours.

The brothers knew that whatever ahead of them couldn't possibly be good.

They all knew that the days ahead were uneasy, as they didn't truly know what was going to happen.

They just wanted everything to be normal again....

But would it ever be again?

A/N: Hey readers! I'm sorry if it's bad! I promise things will start getting juicy soon, just stick with me! I hope you enjoy!

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Thx Enjoy😘😍


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