"Trust Me "

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Raph sighed as he faced his father. "I swear dad, I didn't mean to hurt him!" He almost begged.

Splinter stood in front of him and sighed. "Tell me what happened." He telling calmly. He didn't seem mad.

"Mikey came into my room begging me to play a game with him and I said no, but he just kept asking and whining...

Splinter nodded. "You were becoming frustrated, I understand...what happened after that?" He asked.

"I...I had a glass of water in my hand and I...um was only going to punch him, but I forgot about the glass."

"And it crashed into his face?" Splinter continued. Raph nodded, feeling extremely guilty. "Yeah..."

Splinter sighed. "I understand it was an accident, but your goal was to punch your brother, and that was wrong."

Raph nodded. "I didn't mean to hurt him that bad, really...I um just wanted punch him." He tried to explain.

"That does not matter Raphael, your intention was to hurt him and you would have hurt him with a punch."

Raph hung his head. What had he done? "I...I'm sorry father, I feel horrible, do you think he's ok?"

Splinter hesitated for a second. "He...is most likely in a lot of pain and is being treated by Donatello at the moment."

Raph shook his head. "No um I mean uh in his head, he wouldn't let me go near him, like he was scared."

Splinter was about to respond when Donnie walked in, looking concerned. "Um sensei, can talk to you?"

Raph immediately ran to Donnie. "Don, please tell me he's ok, I swear it was an accident, I feel horrible."

Donnie sighed. "He's...ok physically, I removed the glass from his cut and cleaned and bandaged it."

Raph sighed in relief. "So he's ok?" He breathed. Donnie looked at Splinter and gestured for him to come over.

"I need to talk to father alone for a second, wait here...whatever you do don't go see Mikey, please."

That only fueled Rapheal's fears. "W-Why?" He asked. When Donnie didn't reply, Raph sighed. "He's scared of me... isn't he?"

Donnie didn't reply but Raph knew the answer. He silently left the dojo and went to his own room, not looking at anyone.

Splinter entered the lab to see his youngest son practically sobbing, clinging to Leo. He was literally hyperventilating.

"Michealangelo, what is wrong? Are you still in pain?" Splinter asked. Mikey sobbed harder and shook his head.

"Shhhh, Mikey you need to calm down...it's going to be okay." Leo murmured, rubbing Mikey's shell.

"That's what I was going to tell you...um well Mikey is literally terrified of Raph." Donnie explained.

Splinter nodded. "I see... Michealangelo, I know Rapheal hurt you badly but I can promise you he is very sorry." He tried..

Mikey whimpered at the name of his brother and sniffled. "N-No, he will hurt my again, he's always like that."

It was true. Rapheal had the tendency to smack Mikey on the back of the head pretty frequently but has never hurt him so badly like this.

"Oh my son, do not fret...I promise you that Rapheal will not hurt you, it was an accident, he didn't mean it."

Mikey shook his head rapidly. "Yes he did, he wanted to punch me cuz I called him Raphie, he did it on purpose...he hates me!"

Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Obviously, Raph was going to have to keep his distance from Mikey to avoid scaring him.

Raph was listening from the doorway. "Mikey, please baby brother...
I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad." He tried.

Mikey screamed and started hyperventilating again, his eyes filled with tears and he was shaking. Leo motioned for Raph to leave the room.

"Shhhh, he's gone Mikey it's ok." Donnie soothed, rubbing the back of Mikey's shell to console him.

"H-He could have hurt me! Don't let him near me Donnie, please!" Mikey sobbed, burying his face in Donnie's plastron.

"Shhhh, it's ok....it's ok you are safe, I promise I will protect you ok?" Donnie agreed comfortingly.

Mikey nodded against his brother's chest. Donnie this was serious. Mikey had never expressed genuine fear of one of them before.

"If course we'll protect you baby brother, we love you." Leo added, hugging Mikey as well. Mikey grinned. "Love you bros."

"Mikey, I know you're scared right now, but I promise you Rapheal did not intend to injure you this badly, he feels very guilty about it."

Splinter used Mikey's nickname, which he did when he was trying to comfort the turtle and convince him if something.

"Are you sure papa?" Mikey whimpered. Splinter froze. Papa? Mikey hadn't called him papa since he was a little turtle tot.

"Yes, I am sure, my child...trust me." Splinter soothed, rubbing Mikey's head and keeping away from the bandages that covered his eye.

Trust me....

A/N: Hey readers! I hope you enjoy! Will Raph ever be able to talk to Mikey? Will Mikey forgive him? Will be ever be the same?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Hey readers! I hope you enjoy! Will Raph ever be able to talk to Mikey? Will Mikey forgive him? Will be ever be the same?

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