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a smile so virtuous and warm.

lean figure towering over others with legs that took long strides.

swirls of copper and gold in oval eyes that want to probe, experience and master. curtailed eyelashes and shaped eyebrows.

vintage patterned scarf around his neck to keep him warm, his hands in the pockets of his khaki furry coat.

spirit. zest. unity.

why was he visiting the zoo alone? who spends their precious time on a weekday looking at animals doing nothing? how old is he? who the heck is he?


"she's a girl. of course we have to, this is written in her fate."

"what is it?" Jia shouts from the shower, closing her eyes as the water falls on top of her banging head.

her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the male voice calling out to her. she never gets to have even a minute to herself.

"Haneul just vomitted!"

clean it up then! she wants to answer back but instead she gets out of the shower with a scowl on her face and her towel.

she wraps the towel around her cold body and unlocks the door.

that's when she notices the puke on the floor and her husband attempting at cleaning up their unwell son.

as soon as he sees her, he leaves her to sort out the mess.

Jia tries to push away the fact that she was thinking about another man in the shower and she suddenly feels disgusted by herself. what's wrong with me?

so she busies herself with cleaning the once spotless kitchen floor, breathing through her mouth as she changes her son into cleaner clothes- trying to assure him that it's okay, that he will be better.

"oh Han- why did you puke?"

I wish I had better parents.

"daddy gave me chocolate." he answers in a small voice, his throat still horribly sore.

Jia groans and stands up, picking up her child before taking him to the living room. she places him beside his father who's too busy watching sports on the TV.

"why did you give him a snack at this time?" Jia snaps, clutching onto her towel as she shivers. "he hasn't even ate and felt sick anyway-"

"don't even think about blaming me." her husband interrupts her, ending their talk. of course there was no communication that Jia needed desperately.

Jia walks away, continuing to clean the stench and mess away. she eventually gets dressed, forgetting about the shower she was at one point looking forward to, all whilst thinking about a man she had to tell to leave the zoo.

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