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Jia follows Namjoon up the steps to the roof of his apartment complex.

let me live without these thoughts!

the two of them take a seat towards the edge, no fear shown from the height and Jia loves how she feels relaxed. this is precious time where her feelings and thoughts are acknowledged.

she remembers the first time Namjoon had shown her this place. he was buzzing with energy as he took her hand, wanting to show her a place so quiet. perfect for people like us, he told her. Jia remembers standing, glued to the spot in amazement when she took in the scenery from the roof. she had never been somewhere where all five of her senses could be felt so strongly. buildings appeared small, as well as people looking like objects in a board game, the sun had started to set, hiding behind a forest of trees and the glow of the sunshine reflected back at life on earth.

ever since then, Jia and Namjoon would spend time together in their own bubble at the top of the roof.

"these thoughts are not the truth."

"they are! don't you see that? i can't sleep at night because i feel everything. i feel her disgusting touch on me."

"do you believe in soulmates?"

Jia turns her head to look at the man beside her, lost in thought as he stares at the sunset in front of them. she loves it when he comes up with natural, meaningful talks that make her feel.

Jia decides to be playful. "yes and i'm talking to mine right now."

"okay you're mine too." Namjoon replies almost immediately and he doesn't take a single glance at Jia, afraid that she'll notice the truth in his words.

it was supposed to be my life! not theirs!

"what are your thoughts on it?" he asks.

"the idea of someone being destined to be linked to you... as a lover, a friend or as something takes my breath away. everything happens for a reason and it's basically your soul having a mate, another soul at this given time, to bring meaning to your journey."

Jia finishes with her thinking about whether or not she has a soulmate. "i don't see soulmates in terms of marriage or whatever." and when she looks at Namjoon she feels anticipation.

because he means so much to her. she's not known him for long but Jia has never had someone so caring, so affectionate and understanding in her life. he listens to her, talks about the things no one wants to talk about, doesn't take anything for granted and he is here. he lives so he loves and she's astonished by him.

"they treat you like shit, why do you still visit them?"

"you really have a way with words." Namjoon breathes out and glances at Jia with a surprised sigh. "you just explained my thoughts so perfectly."

"i agree." he states. "i feel like this universe is just so interesting."

you are, Jia thinks.

Jia made sure to listen to all the words spilling out of her friends mouth, she was active and intrigued. talking about the universe with anyone else would seem strange. what's crazy is that Namjoon felt the same way.

is this how parents are supposed to be?

"and the idea of people being linked due to destiny like they're meant to be, is just so magical." he smiles.

if we were magical why did life make it difficult for us?

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