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"excuse me, do you know where i can find the monkeys?"

Namjoon asks as he approaches Jia with aspiration in his eye,- pretending to look disorganised as he holds a map of the zoo in his injured hands.

what is justice? what is right? what is wrong?

Jia on the other hand stops handing out surveys to the visitors in the reptiles enclosure and turns to look at him. she eyes him weirdly, knowing he's just using an excuse to talk to her.

"right this way." she starts to walk and Namjoon follows, surprised that she's taking him there physically.

let's get him married to her.

Namjoon follows closely behind and holds onto the handle of his satchel whilst idolising every feature of the stranger he's been drawn to. he focuses on the way her sable hair bounces against her back, her petite stature, the crinkles in her lilac blouse, the scarf around the waist of her jeans and her luxury and-

Namjoon stops in his steps hurriedly when he realises he's at the monkey enclosure with her. he speaks his thoughts which he believes is a bad habit of his. "will i ever get your name?" he asks curiously.

Jia looks back at the stranger and clicks her tongue. she feels like she can be young with him again, a teenager. so she covers her id badge and smiles. "nope."

"mother please! i cannot see her! don't leave me with her again."

but it doesn't faze Namjoon which is why he smiles with her, stretching out his hand for her to shake. "i'm Kim Namjoon." he introduces himself heartily, satisfied with their encounter.

it's then that Jia realises he's serious. he's serious about wanting to be her friend and getting to know her.

which is why she can't resist his charisma and kindness. how can you say no to something that's meant to happen? what's wrong with making a friend?

so Jia uncovers her badge and shakes his hand. "i'm Lee Jia."

"you do nothing all day."

after a respectful nod from Namjoon, he turns to leave and takes out a notepad and pencil. Jia nods in return, noticing her cue to leave and get back to work. why did she want to know more about him? why did she want to stay and watch monkeys with a man she had no idea was?

she turns around to take a devious glance and notices a pair of tangled earphones laying on the floor. Jia remembers how a similar coloured pair were around Namjoon's neck which is why she hurries to pick them up. he must have dropped them, she thinks and looks around for her soon to be best friend.

but he's nowhere to be seen.

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