Tony Stark | Avengers: Civil War

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Imagine that you died in an explosion caused by the Avengers

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Imagine that you died in an explosion caused by the Avengers.  

 Tony was definitely taking it the hardest out of them all. He had had multiple anxiety attacks, nightmares, PTSD memories, and many other things. One day he had enough. He planned on ending it all that night while everyone was sleeping. He got into the suit and flew off to your guys' favourite date place, only to see Steve standing there under the tree he took you to so many times. Steve turned to see Tony standing beside him. They started fighting, verbally at first, then physically. Tony flew up into the air while Steve threw his shield knocking Tony down. "You don't know what we are all going through Tony! We were all there when it happened!" Steve yelled at his old friend. "So was I." Tony said charging his launcher at Steve knocking him down. "I was there that day. I watched the girl I loved the most die in an explosion that we caused. That I caused." He mumbled the last part. Steve dropped his shield when he heard quiet sobs from the metal suit and saw it fall to the ground, wheezing come from inside as if Tony couldn't breathe. "TONY!" Steve yelled out running to his friend. He pulled the head off of the Iron Man suit and hugged Tony in his arms while he sobbed into Steve's chest, both forgetting about the fight that was just going on, "It's all my fault." He keeps saying. He was having a panic attack. "Wait here." Steve said to the hysterical man on the ground by him. Steve got his phone out and called Wanda. Tony didn't hear much but heard mumbles into the phone. Five minutes went by when Wanda showed up and went over to Tony. She placed her hand in front of his head. Red lights shot from her hands and Tony got a glimpse of the girl he once loved. "Y-Y/N" He cried out, seeing you in full picture now. "Y/N I'm so sorry." He cried to the girl. "It's okay. It didn't hurt. I'm okay Tony." You say trying to calm him. He goes to hug you but couldn't since you weren't real, just a memory. Wanda couldn't hold it anymore and when she stopped Tony started yelling and having another panic attack. "BRING HER BACK!" He yelled at Wanda. "Bring her back." He sobbed. "I'm sorry." Wanda whispered.


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