Daryl Dixon | The Walking Dead

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IMAGINE: Daryl when the claimers want to claim you

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IMAGINE: Daryl when the claimers want to claim you.

  You were fighting the ten walkers that had been following you for a mile. You were about to stab the second last one when an arrow went through one behind you. You quickly stabbed the now last walker and turned around, your knife at the ready. "Show who you are or I swear I will snap your arrow then your down valuable ammo!" You threaten. A group of guys walk out from the tree line surrounding the road you were on. You saw one with a cross bow back away from the group. He didn't seem like he belonged with the other guys, but he was there. He started walking towards you when you were knocked unconscious. You woke up five hours later on the floor of what looked like a warehouse. You groaned as you sat up. You heard yelling, it had an accent that sounded like it was coming from a red neck. "Ya can't jus' claim 'er!" It yelled. "Then you claim her! You can do whatever you want with her whenever you please." Another voice said. Claim? You think. "Fine! Maybe I will!" The redneck voice sounded again. "Say the word." The other voice said in a dangerously calm voice. "CLAIMED!" The redneck yelled pointing your way. You saw two figures walking your way. You reached into your boot to grab your knife. A fatter guy came up to you while a skinnier one kept watch. The fatter one grabbed you and you stabbed his hand while getting up and running away, leaving the knife in his hand. You run to the door to find it locked. A man was about to grab you from behind when he got punched in the jaw, knocking him out. "C'mon!" The redneck voice said grabbing your hand. He unlocked the door grabbing his cross bow in the process and slammed the door on someone's hand. "DARYL!" You hear someone yell out. "Jus' keep runnin'." Daryl, you assumed, said, grabbing your hand so you'll stay close. You both ran until you found a couple cars on the highway. "Get in the trunk." He told you opening it. You got in then he got in after you. Right after he closed it you saw the same group rush up to the cars. "Check the cars!" The leader said. His hand was bleeding bad, he was the one Daryl slammed the door on. The fat man ran up a few seconds later gripping your boot knife in his good hand. Daryl put his finger to his lips to single you to be silent. He got his knife out and readied it, pointing it at the trunk just in case someone opened it or saw one of you from the broken headlights that you saw them out of. They left after they couldn't find you and you burst out laughing. You didn't know what for and neither did Daryl but he soon joined in. You both laughed and told stories of your life for the whole night, falling asleep at what you assumed to be midnight. He told you he would take you to meet his group the next day and you couldn't wait.  


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