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IMAGINE: You fall on The Doctor while running back to the Tardis and end up kissing him, causing him to blush.
"Just keep going!" The Doctor calls out to you. "I'm trying!" You call back. You had twisted your ankle while trying to get away from The Weeping Angels. The Doctor turns back with a sigh and picks you up bridal style, causing a little squeal to come out of you. He starts running again, just a tad slower from the extra person on him now. He can see the Tardis when all of a sudden he falls over a rock, bringing you down with him. You both scream as you hit the floor, The Doctor making sure that you fall on him. But when you did fall on him, you kissed him. You quickly get up to see The Doctor blushing like crazy. "You kissed me!" He says. "And you blushed." You say back, causing you to get a "Shut up!" You hear the angels so you rush into the Tardis. "Hey Y/N?" The Doctor says. "Yeah?" You turn around to feel his lips against yours. "Now you kissed me!" You say to him. "Yeah. And you blushed." He mimicked back. "Shut up." You say smirking, getting a tight embrace from the doctor.