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IMAGINE: George finds out that you saved his twin brother Fred, but while doing so you got hurt, very badly.
You see spells everywhere. Flying around you, flying behind you, flying above you. Everywhere you looked you see death and spells. Some people you know like Remus and Tonks, some people you don't know like fellow school mates you never talked to. "CRUCIO!" You hear. You see spells getting thrown at Fred, one out of two of your best friends. "FRED!" You scream out getting in front of him. The pain starts instantly. You thrash around trying to make it stop. You scream bloody murder trying to get away from it. From the pain. "AVADA KADAVRA!" You hear from Fred's mouth. The pain stops and everything goes black. When you come to you are on a cot next to Mr.Wealsey. People are crying and that makes you upset. You see the person who took you in when you had nothing lying beside you, dead. You start crying. George rushes to you. "Oh my god! Y/N you're okay!" He sobs into your chest. "'Course I am. Is Fred okay?" You ask frantically sitting up, or at least trying to only to wince in pain and lie back down. "Yeah why wouldn't he be?" George asks you. "I-I stopped it from hitting him." You stutter out to the ginger. "Why?" He asked tears settling into his eyes. "To make sure that he was okay and you still had your other half." You whisper out, letting a tear roll down your face. "I love you Y/N." He says leaning in to kiss you. "I love you to George." You say back. You share a kiss so passionate that fireworks go off in your mind and stomach.
Dedicated to @undercover_Fangirl97 Thanks again for the amazing requests!