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IMAGINE: You and the vlog squad go out for a fun night out.
"Let's go out tonight." David says. "BAR!" Zane yelled. "Yeahhhh!" Josh screams with Zane. "Y/N, Tom, wanna come?" Nash asks you. You had turned legal drinking age last year and have been dieing to go to a bar with the squad. "Yeah sure." You and Tom say. You guys all get into your cars and drive off to the bar. When you get there you head straight to the server and request a cooler. (an alcoholic beverage that most woman perfer not a cooler that keeps things cold.) "That'll be $13 miss." He says to you. You reach for your wallet when you feel a hand push yours away. You look up to see Tom paying for you. "Thanks." You say to him as he puts his wallet away. "No problem." He responds. "Wanna go to the others?" You ask him. "Yeah sure." He says walking with you, holding his beer that he ordered when you guys got there. When you guys got to the others David was singing 'Shots by LMFAO', Zane was shirtless, Liza was god knows where, and Kristina was dancing to the imaginary music. The only sober ones were you, Tom, and Nash. "What the hell happened here?" Tom asks Nash. "They got drunk. Way to drunk." Nash explains pushing Kristina off of him, since she was trying to dry hump him. "Time to go?" You ask Tom. "I'd say so." He says. You get David and find Liza. Tom gets Zane and his shirt and Nash gets Kristina who was still dancing. Nash drove one car and Tom drove the other, you going with David, Liza, and Tom. They were both asleep in the back seat and so you took the front passenger. "That was fun even if we barley got to drink." Tom says laughing. "Yeah." You say laughing as well. "So, was your first bar trip good?" He asks you. "Hell yeah." You say as you guys pull up into the garage.