Joel | The Last Of Us

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IMAGINE: Joel picks you up on the side of  the road

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IMAGINE: Joel picks you up on the side of  the road.

You are ready to give up. A herd is about a mile back. 'Should I just stay here and become one of them?' You thought. You see a pair of headlights pull up over the hill. A man pulls up and says "Get in!" You rush into the passenger seat and he takes off again. You turn around to see a little girl in the back. "She yours?" You ask referring to the little girl sleeping in the back seat. He shakes his head, "No, she's not." He explains what happened to his daughter, and a girl named Tess, and why the girl named Ellie in the back seat is so important. "Woah." Is all you can say. "Yeah, woah." The girl starts to wake up, mumbling a little. "She's real pretty, she could've been a model if the world wasn't shit." You say lightly. "Yeah, she could've." "You're pretty too." He said smirking at you. "Yeah, she is." Ellie said from the back seat, sleepily. "Go back to sleep kid." He says. "Fine." She said turning around. "You too, got a long way to go." He said motioning to you. "Okay." You say with a yawn. You lean your head against the window and nod off into dreamland, smiling from the compliment.


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