Nardole | Doctor Who

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IMAGINE: You make Nardole mad and he refuses to speak to you for the rest of the day

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IMAGINE: You make Nardole mad and he refuses to speak to you for the rest of the day. Since it is his birthday you make him a cheer-up-cake.

"Nard, come on! Don't be mad at me! Please." You say bringing out the puppy dog eyes but he just waves you away. "Fine! Be like that!" You stomp off into the kitchen. It's Nardole's birthday and he's never had a cake before, so you planned on making him one. You start making a funfetti cake with vanilla icing. You decorate it with the words 'cheer-up-cake'. You put in two candles and start making you way to Nardole. You start singing happy birthday when The Doctor joined in with you. "Happy birthday to you!" You both finish off. Nardole looks at the cake with a confused face. "Blow out the candles." The Doctor whispers to him. He does that and then looks at you guys, trying to stay mad but fails. "Oh Y/N! I'm so sorry! I can't stay mad at you!" He pulls you into a hug, carefully avoiding the cake. "It's okay N! Here! Happy birthday." You pass him the already cut cake. You all eat the cake and tell stories of your childhoods, and it was a night you will never forget.



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