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Everyone came rushing out the door.
"Lauren what happened" he said feeling my ripped jeans.
"Nothing I'm fine" i said trying in stand up.
"We all heard u swear at someone who was it" a girl said popping out if the crowd.
"Im fine"i said struggling.
Noah was holding me on the floor. There was no way I could get up he was to strong.
"Noah please i need to get up"i said begging him.
"No not till you tell me what happened" he said he look up at the teacher.
"What's going on everyone back inside"she said "but I'll leave you two to it" she said smiling.
Everyone walked slowly into the classroom.
It was just me and noah in the corridor.
"Now we need to get you sorted out" he said.
"Well help me up" i said holding out my hand.
"Fine" he said pulling me up.
My whole knee was slit open.
"Owww that hurts" i said
Noah was inspecting the cut.
"We need the nurse that's a pretty deep cut" he said pulling me along.
"Noah im fine please let me go" i said.
I felt so weak. As though noah had full control over me.
I didn't like that feeling.
We reached the school nurse.
Noah knocked on the door.
No one was there.
"You know what let's get out of here" noah said.
He called a taxi.
"Wait no noah" i said "you can't do that" i said running off
I had lost him.
I felt like i did the other day. Like noah was in full control and there was nothing I could do.
I found a bench in the playground. I sat down to rest my distressed knee.
5 mins later. A boy came up to me.
"Hey you're that visited girl aren't you" he asked.
"Yea" i said frowning.
He sat beside me.
"Jeez what happened to your knee" he said shocked.
"It's fine i can handle it" i said.
"I know I wouldn't think it would be fair if i just took over suddenly" he said kindly.
"Yeah you're right" i said.
"I saw the fight between you and lucy god i hate that girl" he said touching my hand.
He smiled. I smiled.
"Well i better go noah is probably looking for you and I don't want you to get into trouble" he said standing up.
"No please stay i want to talk to you" i said.
"About noah" i said.
"Okay you know i was one of his best friends till he started acting" he said.
"Well i feel so controlled by him he's acting like im his possession and I belong to him" i said.
"Wow That Dosnt sound like noah he was always so relaxed and silly" the boy said
"Im jack by the way"
Jack started to kiss my neck and made his way up to my lips. Omg what was happening. I kissed him back. It went on for about a minute.
Then the boy grabbed onto my waist and whispered "behind you"
Noah was there. His face speechless.
"Lauren" Noah grabbed me by the hood and pinned me onto the wall.
"Noah oww my knee noah stop you're hurting me" i said crying in pain.
"Look lauren you think you can do whatever you want well you can't and you've got to learn" he said. He pushed me onto the flood and pinned me down even harder.
"Noah please" I muttered. I gave up.
"Noah get off her you're hurting her" jack said trying to pull noah off me.
"No she has got to learn I don't care"he said. 
I shut my eyes. I was in so much pain.
Noah slid a pill into my mouth i was in a deep sleep.
"What was that" jack said kneeling beside me.
"Jack you can't tell anyone about this ok" noah said.
"Of course in won't mate we're calm" jack said.
"That will do the trick" noah said.
"What was that" jack asked.
"It's a drug that will make her really weak and she won't remember what happened then when she wakes up i will look after her then she will think that i saved her" noah said.

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