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As the two boys make it to Chanyeols, they both agreed on crashing right as they get inside.
"Here, you shouldn't sleep in jeans." Chanyeol says handing Baekhyun some sweatpants.
The two in bed were having a hard time falling asleep, both tossing and turning.
"So... sehun?" Baekhyun questions.
"Yeah? what about it?" Chanyeol spats
"You were clearly down his throat. Don't try to deny it." Baekhyun turns now facing Chanyeol in the dark, barely making out his face.
"Look, I don't even know what's happening with him." Chanyeol sighs going onto his back looking up to the ceiling.
"I think you two would look cute together yeol. go for it." Baekhyun explains.
"I don't know anything about being in a relationship though Baek."
"It's okay, if he's the one, he'll go at your speed. Don't worry before you even ask him. Which you should do right now. Text him." Baekhyun says sitting up, Chanyeol doing the same turning on the bedside lap.
"And say what exactly?" Chanyeol smiles sarcastically.
"Lemme see your phone." Baekhyun reaches for Chanyeol's phone.
"Not before you tell me what you'll say to him." Chanyeol bats his hand away.
"I'm just going to type it out. Then let you see." Baekhyun says getting Chanyeol's phone.
[ hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime? ]
"How's that?" Baekhyun shows the screen to Chanyeol.
"I don't know... I've never done something like this." Chanyeol shakes his head.
"Do you trust me?" Baekhyun asks, Chanyeol nodding with his eyes shut.
Baekhyun hit send.
"I SENT IT." Baekhyun yells jumping on the bed.
"IM DEAD BAEKHYUN OH NO IM SO SCARED." Chanyeol says face planting into his pillow, hearing a text notification. The boys both freeze.
"YOU LOOK!" Chanyeol says looking away from the phone eyes shut tight.
"He said that he would love that." Baekhyun says.
"Take your phone lover boy." Chanyeol takes his phone.
s: I'd love that!
s: what shall we do?
c: I'm good with anything.
s: whoa don't sound too excited.
c: sorry, haha.
c: we could go see a movie tomorrow??
s: cute.
s: sure.
s: my treat.
c: you're too sweet.
s: no u
c: what are you 16?
s: suddenly yes.
c: 🤢
s: shut up I'll pick you up.
c: okay!

"We've got a movie date tomorrow." Chanyeol smiles wide.
"Yes! YEOLIE MY BOY GOT A DATE!" Baekhyun shouts.
"Shh!" Chanyeol jokes.
"I'm tired let's sleep." Baekhyun adds sweetly.
"Agreed." Chanyeol and Baekhyun go into a deep sleep.
Baekhyun left before Chanyeol woke up that morning so his best friend could have some down time. Chanyeol needs time to get himself ready.
Waking up at 11am, Chanyeol looked over where Baekhyun should be, surprised the boy was gone. Rolling over he grabs his phone.
c: you home already?
b: yeah, I wanted you to have time to get ready by yourself. ;)
c: I have no clue what I'm wearing. baekhyun I needed you!
b: just relax and be yourself dumbass.
c: if I fail miserably it's your fault.
b: challenge excepted.

Rolling out of bed, Chanyeol groans at the thought of having to look appealing. This stuff stresses him out, it's not fun for him.
"What would Sehun wear?" Chanyeol mumbles to himself. Sighing, he decided on what to wear: a black and white striped shirt tucked into black baggy jeans that are cuffed at the ends, vans, a black cap, round glasses, topped off with a black jean jacket.
Chanyeol had 30 minutes left until Sehun would be at his house. What can he do for 30 minuets? Freak out? No, not enough time for a total breakdown.
Oh no, 10 minutes left. Breathe Chanyeol, you've got this.
Sehun's at the door. Shit
Chanyeol opens the door, met with a smirk plastered on Sehun's face.  
"Hey, you ready to go?" Sehun asks.
"For sure." After Chanyeol locks his door, they both walk towards Sehun's car. Sehun opens Chanyeol's door like the gentlemen he is, causing Chanyeol to blush.
On the way there, Chanyeol noticed that Sehun is very focused while driving, he found it attractive.
"Aaaand we're here." Sehun says while parking.
walking into the building, Sehun locks his hand around Chanyeols. Chanyeol couldn't stop looking at their hands, they fit perfectly.
The two got a back row seat so they wouldn't disturb anyone during the movie if they ended up making out. That was Sehun's idea.
The lights go out and the two put their attention towards the screen. Chanyeol wanted to talk to Sehun but knew it would be best to behave in the theatre. A romantic scene pops up and Sehun gets the idea to hold Chanyeol's hand, Chanyeol was overjoyed knowing Sehun had interest in him other than sexual. After the movie as the lights went up the two boys look back at each other and both smile. 
-back in the car-
"Did you enjoy the show? I thought it was pretty cute." Sehun asks.

"Yeah it was a good movie, the ending was kind of sad but overall a great movie. Let me go rate it ahah." Chanyeol jokes.

"well, I guess I should let you get home. Tell me how to get to your place again please." Sehun asks as they drive off.

Once Chanyeol was back in his house he let out a heavy sigh of relief from the date. It went well.

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