Chanyeol woke up the next morning still holding his phone.
( 3 texts from Sehun )
Oh shit- Chanyeol thought
s: you should come into the bar on friday night, those nights we have preformers.
s: you don't have to.
s: goodnight.
Chanyeol felt bad that he fell asleep while talking to this guy for the first time.
c: hey i'm sorry, i fell asleep.
s: no problem
s: my offer still stands
c: i'll take you up on that.
s: see you then chanyeol.
Chanyeol's heart seemed to flutter, excited to see the bartender.Friday comes along, but Chanyeol brought Baekhyun with him since that's his most social friend. They get there and it's much louder and darker with some stages.
"Hey how much you wanna bet Sehun will be up there?" Baekhyun shouts over the music.
Chanyeol rolls his eyes.
"He won't be shut up."
"Hey! Sehun!" Baekhyun points.
Sehun walks towards them with a smile.
"I'm glad you could make it tonight." Sehun said mostly to Chanyeol.
"Hey, can anyone go up there?" Baekhyun asks.
"Uh, yeah after the set people." sehun responds.
"Good! because I'm tryin' to get this guy up there!" Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol.
"Haha, not happening." Chanyeol said.
"You can if you want, but nobody's forcing you... I'm one of the people though." Sehun explains.
"R-really?" Chanyeol asked.
"Mhm." Sehun nods.
"I actually have to go get ready, you can come with me if you want to."
Chanyeol follows Sehun into the back.
A group of male strippers all getting ready... Chanyeol could barely breathe.
"My rooms back here." Sehun opens a door.
"I'm wearing these tonight! I'm a little nervous if I'm being honest." Sehun laughs.
Chanyeol was taken over by embarrassment looking at the lack of clothes Sehun would be wearing.... a black harness with skin tight leather pants.... no shirt.
"That bad?" Sehun jokes.
"O-oh huh ? Nono I... I'm just, I wasn't expecting you to go up.." Chanyeol explains.
"Why not? Got something against it?" Sehun asks.
"No! I don't know what I meant by that I just... didn't see you to be that outgoing I guess?" Chanyeol tries to cover up his last remark but could only kick himself.
"I'm joking, I know this is a weird job. But it's easy money." Sehun laughs undoing his button up shirt.
As Sehun gets his harness on, Chanyeol was frozen. Soon Baekhyun came strolling in.
"Hey guys, I just gave one of THE best bjs I have ever given." Baekhyun explains sitting down next to Chanyeol.
"Who was it?" Sehun asked while buckling his harness's last buckle.
"I think his name was Jongin?" Baekhyun shrugs.
"You're dead. His boyfriend better not find out." Sehun laughs.
"Oh well." Baekhyun laughs.
"Oh shit, I need a bigger pair of pants hold on." Sehun says while picking up his phone.
"Yeah I need bigger pants.. I' in room 212 thanks." Sehun hangs up. Later another dancer walks in already in costume.
"Whoa, already preforming I see?" The dancer asks.
"Hush Yixing. These two are friends." Sehun said grabbing the new pants.
"This one has potential." Yixing says lifting Baekhyun's head up with his fingers.
"Sorry not for sale." Baekhyun huffs.
"When do you go on?" Chanyeol asked butting in.
"In 5 minuets I think." Sehun says looking at Yixing to get conformation.
"You better get those on." Yixing said while slapping Sehun's ass and leaving."So how were you guys' day?" Sehun asks while undoing the button in his jeans.
"S-should we leave?" Chanyeol chokes.
"Wha- oh, nah it's cool. You're about to see much worse." Sehun laughs.
"What kind of place is this? How does it usually run on nights like these?" Baekhyun asked Sehun. "Oh, well not too crazy. People go up, put on a show, collect their money off the stage, and off they go." Sehun explains as he continues to get dressed."Is Jongin a dancer?" Baekhyun asks.
"One of the more known actually." Sehun responds, pulling his underwear off.
"Oh?" baekhyun lifts his head.
"Ah, sorry.." Sehun covers up. "I'm used to changing with the other guys and we go commando... sorry again." Sehun blushed a bit
"No you're fine I was just surprised is all." Baekhyun explains.
"Continue" Baekhyun adds.
Sehun gets everything below the belt off with trying to get these pants situated. Chanyeol couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Sehun's glory. So big. After Sehun managed to get his pants on, Chanyeol noticing his manhood barley staying in place it being such tight pants.
Sehun sighs. "These pants get tighter and tighter the more I work here."
"You look nice." Chanyeol finally spoke.
"There he is, I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever talk to me this evening." Sehun jokes, causing Baekhyun to laugh.Sehun parts ways with the two to go get ready for his performance... Chanyeol could only take deep breaths.
Less than five seconds later, Baekhyun spots Jongin dancing.
"Hey I'll be back." Baekhyun said patting Chanyeol on the shoulder as he left. Chanyeol could only huff in response.
Walking up to Jongin, Baekhyun couldn't believe he had his way with someone this beautiful... wanting to brag some as well. Tapping the guy next to him.
"I sucked this guy off earlier... had no clue he was this stunning." Baekhyun laughs.
the man next to him, his hands balled up into fits, was ready to make a scene.
"You what?" The guy muttered.
"You heard me dude." Baekhyun smirks.
Causing the guy to grab him by his collar and pin him to the wall, keeping little to no space between them. "You mean to tell me you sucked off my boyfriend?" the guy asked.
"Whoa Whoa buddy I had no clue he wasn't single." Baekhyun's throat starts to close from a near panic attack. Jongin looked down to his audience only to see his boyfriend attacking some dude, jumping down from the platform.
"Hey! Kyungsoo! What's up!? Stop right now!" Jongin demands. Kyungsoo then letting Baekhyun go, who kneels on the ground needing to catch his breath.
"What the fuck Jongin?!" Kyungsoo spats with tears threatening to fall.
"W-what?" Jongin was clueless.
"You let some stranger see a part of you I'm only allowed to see! That was our agreement! That's the only reason I still let you work here! I can't believe you!" Kyungsoo yells, tears falling now.
"Kyungsoo I-I-I wasn't myself I-I'm sorry." Jongin truly felt awful, but before he could reason with his boyfriend, Kyungsoo was already out of the bar. Jongin ran after him.Back in the bar Baekhyun was having a hard time breathing, it being loud, crowded, and trashy didn't help his situation either. With what strength he had left, he managed to get back to Chanyeol who stood patiently for the boy he fancied.
"Oh my god? Baekhyun? Are you okay?" Chanyeol frantically asked.
"Yeah, I'm good just a little shaken. Haha, Sehun was right about Jongin's boyfriend finding out." Baekhyun sighed.
"I'm sorry man." Chanyeol side hugging Baekhyun, as Sehun walks out onto his stage.
Sehun walks up to the poll, slowly analyzing it while he grabs it with one gentle hand. Soon Sehun was in his element, doing his routine. Near the end he would slut drop while grabbing the pole behind him, his signature move. As he does so, Chanyeol could feel red threatening to deepen on his cheeks as his pants became uncomfortable. Sehun was definitely something else.

night shift || chanhun
FanfictionSehun is a Bartender and he meets two friends. He falls for one but the friends seem to have their own complications. TW: alcohol abuse, fighting, sexual scenes, depression, mentions of sexual assault. (I will be updating this list if anything else...