Chapter 4

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We stayed like this for another few minutes until I felt it was time to leave. Michael handed me the book, a handbook on the city of Vega, and offered to show me around. I nodded briefly. He smiled down at me sympathetically then escorted me out the bedroom. As we walked outside, where the commotion was erupting, an unfamiliar man approached us. He wore soldier gear and held a large gun. I moved back slightly, afraid of what he could do. But, by the way he looked at Michael, I could see he didn't mean harm.

"Alex," Michael stated flatly. "Where have you been-"

"Something bad has happened, Michael." Alex interrupted dryly. "Something really bad."

Michael questioned Alex sincerely, squeezing every detail he could get out of him. I stood beside Michael awkwardly, watching as him and Alex discussed the situation.

"Four bodies were found scattered around the city. Two higher angels. Pieces spread about. The council don't know about it yet. Me and Noma have cleaned up most the mess." Alex explained as Michael continued to asked every question he could. I turned to him, noticing his pulse jump slightly and his face displaying fear. "Do you think it could have involved Gabriel?" I added curiously. Both Michael and Alex looked over to me un-surely, as though they forgot I was even there. I coughed shyly. 

"Alex, this is Katherine Hope. I saved her last night outside the city walls." Michael introduced me to Alex briefly. Alex shot me a short nod then continued, "We've taken the bodies to a military safe house for investigation."

"Lead the way," Michael concluded as Alex began walking through the busy streets of Vega, the gun now held firmly in his right hand. I stuck close to Michael throughout the journey, dodging eye contact and keeping my hands sternly by my side. Every few minutes, Michael would turn to me and ask if I was okay. I told him I was fine every time, even though I could still my heart breaking, quickly and painfully. 

"Through here." Alex gestured as we halted by an old shopping stall. Beside it was a door. The door was large. Alex didn't hesitate to unlock it and lead us in, efficiently ignoring people passing by. I entered after him, Michael swiftly following my footsteps. We walked through several bare hallways and entryways until we arrived to our destination. 

In the room was an examination table and several shelves; each holding gore and amputated body parts. I held in my breath. The ceiling was high and made of clear glass, the sun spreading light through the room. On the floor were stains of dry blood. I nearly vomited. Neither Michael or Alex minded the excessive amount of blood, but simply looked over the parts and bodies. 

"So this is what you guys do all day? I'm gonna love it here." I murmured to myself, purposely trying to make Michael hear. But he didn't seem to care. 

"Each part has a symbol etched into their skin," Alex explained as he tilted an arm to the right. The symbols looked ancient and beautiful, the design burnt onto the skin so perfectly. Michael's expression dropped. "Gabriel." 

"What do they mean, Michael?" I asked inquisitively. Alex glanced at me, then Michael, then back at me. "It's enochian." Michael answered sharply. He whispered words to himself as he traced over the symbols. His face was creased with concentration. "It reads, 'Come home, Katherine.'",

Alex turned to me, surprised and confused. Michael continued, "'I need you.'" 

I stalked over to Michael, searching the symbols for the truth. I knew I couldn't understand it, but Michael had to be lying. Gabriel? Home? 

Katherine, my daughter.

"Oh my god." I stuttered. Michael and Alex both exchanged looks. I lifted the arm closer to my face, examining the symbols closely. Then, it hit me. A wash of familiarity. I stared down over the arm, placing my hand on a faded tattoo printed on the wrist. 


"Mom." I cried, resting my cheek softly against the arms skin. "Mom!" 

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