What a Tease! Part 1

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A/N: OMG!!! Thank you guys!!! I'm overwhelmed that this lil story had gotten over 1k reads. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimin and Jungkook have been good friends since they met as trainees but Jimin sees Jungkook as someone special. He sees Jungkook as someone who needs protecting as he would his own younger brother who is the same age as Jungkook. Taehyung has been there for Jungkook too. He helped him during his early years with his extreme shyness around everyone. So Jungkook developed strong friendships with both but he never expected anything else other than they were two of his 6 brothers. Jimin and Taehyung were his safety net when he was at his most vulnerable and he could rely on them to be there to help him. However, one of them would lead Jungkook into a world of self-discovery he wasn't all to sure about.

It's 2014 and BTS is in Los Angeles. They have been filming American Hustle Life with Tony Jones and Warren G's posse. They're in the final days of filming and Tony decided to have a BBQ Party for the boys. They were all gathered in his home and the boys are playing around and singing. Just having fun harmonizing together when Jungkook comes up and begins to sing...

"Jimin why are you so freakin' short", he laughs and runs off as Jimin goes to kick him for teasing him.

Jimin goes back to harmonizing again and Jungkook does the same thing causing Jimin to run after him. Jimin is laughing but he really hates it when Jungkook teases him about his height. Jimin catches up to Jungkook and asks...

"Why do you have to tease me so much about my height? I'm not that small."

Jungkook says, "Dude, I do it because I think you're cute." Jungkook doesn't realize what he is saying will be interpreted differently.

"You think I'm cute?" Jimin says in shock.

"Well yeah. You're cute like Taehyung is cute, Suga is cute. You know you're shorter than me but you're older than me and I think it's cute."

Jimin's not sure what to think and responds, "Oh. Well I guess you're cute too but man stop with the short jokes."

Jungkook never will. Jimin on the other hand looks at Jungkook differently. He had been acting as his older brother by proxy as Jungkook has an older brother the same age as Jimin but lately he hasn't been to sure about what he is really feeling. Jungkook's comment about him being cute just opened a door for Jimin to test the waters with his feelings and how Jungkook feels about him.

Jungkook on the other hand isn't quite sure what to make of Jimin. He thinks of him as his older brother but there's something more he can't put his finger on. He doesn't understand why he feels like he should be jealous of other people's attention to Jimin. Especially, when it comes to Tony Jones. He literally gets a lump in his throat when he sees Jimin's interactions with Tony. He tries to brush the foreign feelings off. When it comes to Taehyung, he sees him not only as an older brother but one that he can truly play with and just have fun. They share interests in video games and that is their bonding moment. Taehyung is his best friend for sure.

When filming has wrapped up BTS returned to Korea from Los Angeles. Jimin felt since he was at home he could start exploring the limits of his friendship with Jungkook. He knew he had feelings that were bordering more than just friends and brothers but did Jungkook? One day in the studio Jimin becomes flirtacious with Jungkook.

"Hey Kookie, why do you look so handsome today?"

Jungkook gives him a weird look, "What are talking about? I'm in shorts and a T-shirt and Converse and I smell from practice. How can I possibly look handsome?"

Jimin continues, "Guys don't you think Kookie looks handsome today? I don't know what it is but he just does."

Everyone else, just sort of look at Jimin like "Dude what are you doing?" They all have quizzical looks on their faces but RM says, "I guess so if you think hot, smelly, and sweaty is handsome."

Jimin says, "Well I think he does." Biting his bottom lip, looking slyly at Jungkook and walking away.

He leaves Jungkook standing in the middle of the studio watching him while scratching his head at the odd interaction. Jimin's teasing will slowly become more intense over the next year as Jimin's crush with Jungkook deepens.

During a VLog broadcast that Jimin and Jungkook do Jimin doesn't really hide that he has a crush on Jungkook. In one such broadcast Jimin says...

"I've been having a problem with Jungkook lately. I don't know why I like him so much."

Jungkook quickly changes the subject out of embarassment. After the Vlog Jungkook asks Jimin...

"What was that about? You like me too much?"

Jimin responds, "What a friend can't say he likes a friend a lot?" He's really not answering Jungkook's question because he senses that maybe Jungkook isn't on the same page.

Jimin continues with the flirting even on live broadcasts that sometimes leave the others a little uncomfortable. At MNet Countdown Jimin is extra flirtacious and in full view of cameras...

"Jungkook-ah and I are in a love relationship." As he puts his arms around Jungkook and goes in for a kiss.

Jungkook pushes Jimin away with a quick almost disgusted look on his face as Jimin goes sailing back against a wall. He is laughing as he slides to the floor.

During another interview segment the interviewer asks, "What would you do if you had time off?"

RM and JHope go to answer the question but Jimin comes flying up from behind saying, "I would go on vacation with Jungkookie." Jungkook pushes him back and starts to say something when Jimin comes up and grabs his arm and yanks him backwards saying...

"We will go live happily ever after together." As Jungkook can do nothing else but follow.

The look on Jhope and RM's face show that they are done with Jimin's antics. It's almost embarrasing to the group how he acts about Jungkook.

Later Jungkook decides to have a talk with Jimin because it's all becoming overwhelming for him and a bit embarassing too.

"Jimin why do you say such things and on TV too?"

Jimin responds, "Because I like you. Why else?"

"Well it's just that some people might think you like me like a girlfriend and I like you but you're my brother."

Jimin says, "Well I like you like a brother and a friend but I don't know. I kinda have these other feelings for you too."

Jungkook doesn't even know what to say so he just walks away leaving Jimin standing in his spot.

Jimin's teasing and flirtations continue for awhile but Jungkook just pushes him away or ignores him. It is starting to get hard on Jimin. The more Jungkook pushes the more Jimin tries to pull him back but it gets too much and too painful.

Jungkook is confused and unsure of himself and his own feelings and this is causing a rift in Jimin and Jungkook's friendship. Jimin is feeling rejected and doesn't know how else to handle it. His feelings are not being returned and he is hurt. He begins to pull away from Jungkook. He is there for him but Jungkook's rejection just hurts too much.

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