My Confession Part 3

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Jungkook had finally come to the realization that without Jimin he felt empty and lonely.  He wanted Jimin back.  He wanted to feel what it would be like to have Jimin love him.   Such foreign feelings but he just could no longer see his life without Jimin in it.  The distance between them was painful for him but was it painful for Jimin?  Did Jungkook wait too long now?  Would Jimin still feel the same?  It would take a blow up to find that out.

Jungkook told Jimin, "Hey hyung we have recordings this afternoon to laydown some tracks for I Need U, what time do you want to leave?"

Jimin said, "Oh, I'm doing my part tomorrow.  You go do yours. I'm going out with Taemin and some other friends for the evening."  Jimin knew Jungkook did not like Taemin when he said that so he was purposely provoking him.

Jungkook couldn't handle it.  Taemin of all people.  He never really liked Taemin.  He had seen him being too flirty with Jimin on many occassions and he overheard at MusicCore that Taemin was trying to get Jimin into bed.  Jungkook lost it.

"Why the hell would you go out with him!?!  All he wants to do is get you in bed!  Why would you want to hang out with someone like him?  Someone who just wants clout to say they fucked you?"

Jimin stopped in his tracks midway between Jungkook and the door, whipped around and gave Jungkook a very frightening glare and said...

"Who the hell do you think you are?  Who the hell are you to question who I go out with?  If I want to go to bed with Taemin then I will go to bed with Taemin but it is not your place to question who I keep company with now is it?  You rejected me.  You didn't want me.  So who are you to pass judgement!?!"  Jimin wheeled around on his heels and went out the door with a slam.

Jungkook was left in the hallway of the dorm with a dumbfounded expression on his face.  Suga, who was in the living room of the dorm working on lyrics walked by.

"Well that was pretty fucking stupid of you.  Jealous much brother?"

Jungkook hung his head and walked back to his room.  He crawled into his bunk and lay back and thought about what just happened.  Yeah, he had been jealous.  The minute Jimin mentioned Taemin Jungkook saw red.  What was he going to do now?  Later on he got up and went to the studio to do his tracks.  When he got back to the dorm it was late and Jimin still hadn't come home.  Jungkook's mind went into overdrive.  He was thinking "What is Jimin doing with him?"  "All he wants is to use him."  "He doesn't love him."  "Taemin could never love Jimin like I love him."  The last thought that ran across his mind was the electric shock that jolted him into reality.  He hadn't really used the word "love" yet to describe how he was feeling about Jimin but there it was and it was almost a relief to think.

Jungkook heard the door open to the dorm.  It was 2:30am and Jimin was just coming in.  Jungkook jumped down and walked into the living room as Jimin was heading to his room.  Jimin saw him there but kept going, but Jungkook...

"Can we talk, hyung?"

"About what Jungkook? I'm tired and I have no patience for your games." Jimin growled

"Please hyung.  It's important."

Jimin goes to sit on the sofa and Jungkook says, "No hyung.  I'd like to do this privately.  In my room please."

Jimin gets up in a huff and heads to Jungkook's room.  There is an oversize bean bag in the room as there is very little room.  Jimin flops into the bag and Jungkook takes a seat in his gamers chair.

"Hyung, I'm sorry I said what I did about Taemin.  I had no right.."

"Damn right you didn't"  Jimin growls back.

Jungkook reacts like he's just been slapped.  "Hyung, I guess I was jealous that he was getting your time and I can't get any from you."

"Why is that Jungkook?  Why do you think that you don't get my time?  Maybe it was because you rejected it?"  Jimin snaps.

Slap number 2. "Hyung, that's what I need to talk to you about.  I remember you said to me I would understand how you felt when I felt rejection too.  I feel it.  It hurts and I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry.  I didn't know what to think or how to feel then.  It was all new and well, kind of scary for me.  You seemed so sure of yourself.  I didn't.  I never meant to hurt you."

"Well that's all fine and dandy but it doesn't stop the fact that I'm still hurt and you don't feel the same way.  I have to live here with you and I can't have you.  I can't love you and I can't touch you.  Everyday Jungkook!  Every-damn-day Jungkook!  I thought I could get over you but I can't." Jimin breaks down and starts to cry.

Jungkook steals himself down from his chair and crouches in front of Jimin.  Jimin doesn't see him yet because he has buried his face in his arms crying.  Jungkook places Jimin's face in his hands and lifts it up.

"Baby, look at me.  Please open your eyes and look at me."

Jimin wipes his tears away and opens his eyes and looks right into the soft brown eyes of Jungkook.  He sees something in them he thought he would never

"Look at me.  I'm here in front of you.  You can have me.  I want to be yours.  I'm ready to be yours.  I can't stand being without you.  It hurt to feel your rejection but I want you. I want all of you."

Jimin wipes more tears away and says, "Do you really mean it?  Do you really mean you want me to be your boyfriend?  That you really love me?"

"Yes, to all of it.  To me being your boyfriend.  To me saying I love you Park Jimin.  I don't ever want to feel this hurt and lonely again.  I never want to know what it's like without you again."

Jimin threw his arms around Jungkook's neck and began kissing him.  At first it was excited and erratic kisses that finally settle down into soft, sweet slow kisses that grew more passionate.  Each exploring the others mouths with their tongues.  There hands tracing the surfaces of their bodies.  When it felt like it was getting to heated, Jimin put the brakes on.

"I don't want our first time to be out of over-excitement.  I want it to be at a special time and a special place for us.  Is that ok?"

"Uuum, yeah.  I hadn't quite thought that far but I'm ok.  I just got you back I'll do anything to keep you."  Jungkook kisses Jimin again.  They wind up falling asleep in each others embrace in the bean bag chair.

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