Our Confession Part 4

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The next morning Jimin and Jungkook wake up stiff. It was not easy sleeping in the giant bean bag but they didn't want to let go of each other.

"Good morning, aegiya." Jungkook said as he stretches his body out and gives Jimin a quick peck on the lips.

"Good morning. This is all real right? I can say you are my boyfriend? You said "I love you" to me?" said Jimin.

"Yes, it's all real and I mean everything I said last night. I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?"

"Yes, just bring me what you are having." Jimin continued to lounge on the bean bag.

While Jungkook is in the kitchen Jimin gets up and stretches his body out. He walks around the small space which is four steps from one side to the other. He walks over to Jungkook's desk where there is his computer and some mixing equipment. Jungkook had taken up photography recently so his camera and a stack of photos were sitting on his desk. Jimin picks up the photos and starts to go through them. He notices that most of the photos have one subject. He never noticed Jungkook taking pictures and he surely never noticed Jungkook taking pictures of him. Some of the photos were professional grade and showed Jimin in beautiful poses and backgrounds. Jimin's heart swelled looking at these pictures. He clutched the small stack to his chest feeling his heart race. Then set them back down where he found them. He couldn't help but smile. He was in love and he had his Kookie.

Jungkook went into the kitchen to find Jin rummaging through the refridgerator for something to eat.

"Hey, hyung. What are you looking for?" said Jungkook.

"Oh, I don't know. Something for breakfast. You haven't seen Jimin have you? JHope said he didn't come home last night." Jin proceeds to take a sip of some juice he poured.

"Oh, yeah. He's in my room waking up."

Jin's jaw drops open and juice pours from it to the floor.

"Hyung, you might want to clean up that mess after you close your mouth." Jungkook says as he walks back to his room with two glasses of orange juice and a silly grin on his face.

Jin is cleaning the mess up when RM walks in asking "What happened, hyung?"

"Oh I spilled some orange juice when Jungkook told me Jimin spent the night in his room."

RM had been getting a glass for himself and at Jin's words dropped it to the floor breaking it.

"What!?! RM says, "They haven't talked in like months and now Jimin spends the night in his room?"

JHope was walking into the kitchen when he hears RM's comment and says, "The HELL you say! Jimin slept in Jungkook's room. Well damn! They must have sorted out their differences."

V and Suga are the last to come to the kitchen when they find out the news. Everyone is all shocked. Jimin and Jungkook had been just working with each other but there was no real interaction between them. The group thought at one point they were going to have to call a house meeting but when it settled into something that was not disruptive per se to the house then they let it go. RM would say "Like water it will seek its own level."

Next thing the group hears is the door to Jungkook's room being opened and Jimin stepping out with his shoes in his hand. He turns around and gives Jungkook a kiss on the lips. Jungkook looks up in mid kiss and realizes he has five sets of eyes staring at them. He breaks the kiss.

"Uuuh, umm. Yeah." Jungkook says nervously

Jimin turns around and sees everyone. His eyes open wide in shock but Jimin just says...

"Hi hyung! How was your night?" and walks off.

Five shocked faces in dead silence in the kitchen when V says..

"Well I guess that problems solved but I think we have a new one."

RM says, "Yeah, there's gonna be a house meeting on this."

"Do I really need to be there for it? Because frankly, I don't care. Just sayin'" says Suga.

Later that day RM asked everyone to come for a House Meeting. This little piece of news needed to be discussed and some ground rules set.

RM started the meeting, "Alright everyone, we need to discuss what we saw this morning. Jimin, Jungkook would either of you like to tell us what we saw?"

Jungkook was sitting in a chair kicking at the floor and Jimin was sitting on a pillow on the floor next to Jungkook's feet. Both them dropped their heads and started to blush.

"Well, hyung..." Jimin started softly "I guess Jungkook and I are kind of a thing. He told me how he felt and some of you know I felt the same way. Jungkook and I talked last night and well he told me he felt the same way and he was sorry he had rejected me. He just didn't understand how he was feeling. I guess I can understand that."

Jungkook still sat silent kicking at the floor alternating between biting his lower lip and biting the cuticle of his nails.

Jin spoke up, "You know we all kind of knew there was something between you two. Jimin, there were times we wanted to throw a bucket of ice water on you because you were so all over Jungkook. Then we noticed you weren't doing that so much. You two seemed to have grown a bit apart but I figured if you wanted to talk about it you would come to one of us."

"I did." said Jimin. "I spoke with Hobi-hyung and Tae-hyung. They helped me understand things but it didn't make it easy. I just had to be patient and see what would happen with Kookie."

"I spoke with them too." said Jungkook "They advised me to find a way to talk with Jimin, I just sort of went about it in a wrong way but in the end it worked out. I told him how I felt and that we both really love each other. I just wasn't expecting my first love to be...well, Jimin."

"And I just didn't think it wouldn't be Jungkook. I can't explain it hyung. All those times I thought I was just playing around teasing and flirting with him I really had a deep crush that turned into love that was rejected. That hurt a lot but I never stopped thinking about Kookie and how he made me feel. Where do we go from here as a group hyung?"

"Well I'm ok with it but to be honest it's a little strange and something we are all going to have to get used to around here." said RM

"I think we need to consider some ground rules because we have 5 other people to consider who live here too. The Company is going to have to know about this and we will have to figure out ways to protect our image because you know this would not go over well if it was found out in public. We have our comeback for I Need U coming up and this would kill us. " said JHope.

The group discussed how the matter would be handled in and out of the dorm. RM said he would make sure that the Company was notified and Jimin and Jungkook would go in and talk with Bang Si-hyuk. Yeah, nothing like adding a little more pressure. Nothing is more fun than having to talk with your parents and say "Hey, Mom and Dad...I'm gay." It wasn't going to be much easier telling the boss either.

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